The following afternoon routine is recommended to start the
The ``Facilities Summary'' or
FACSUM window is a real-time
display of the telescope status. To run
- Log into milolii (the single-headed
workstation in between haleiwa and
onomea) as user lwseng.
- Select the DCS Status option from
the OpenWindows menu.
- Select the FACSUM Display item from the
DCS Status menu. The FACSUM window
will appear shortly.
- Click and drag the left mouse
button on one of the window corners to expand the window to
fill the screen.
Guider eavesdropping allows you to monitor the image from the
guide camera in real time. To start eavesdropping:
- On haleiwa, move the mouse to the rightmost
- Quit any and all programs running on this screen only
(including those running on other parts of the virtual
desktop). This is necessary in order for the guider display
to obtain the needed colors from the colormap.
- Select the Guider Eavesdropping option from
the OpenWindows menu.
- Select the Eavesdrop (default) item from this menu.
The guider display and accompanying tkrose window
will appear shortly.
- Restart QuickLook and other desired programs
on this screen.
Xmet is a meteorological display showing current
summit conditions. To run it:
- Select the DCS Status option from
the OpenWindows menu.
- Select the Meteorological Display item from
this menu. The Xmet window will appear shortly.
The ``tau'' statistic tracks the amount of airborne water vapor
above Mauna Kea and is a good indicator of current conditions in
the mid-IR because atmospheric transparency at these wavelengths
is determined by the atmospheric water vapor density.
here to check the current value of tau, and multiply the
resulting value by 20 to estimate the amount of precipitable
water vapor (in mm). Note that tau values below ?? indicate
acceptable conditions for observing at 20 µm.
The Observing Assistant (OA) is not permitted to open the dome
until after sunset. Please be patient while the shutter opens
and the OA checks the initial telescope pointing.
When ready to move the telescope, the OA will ask you for your
first target and load the coordinates from your
starlist file. He or she will select a
bright star near your target and will attempt to acquire that in
the guider, then will double-check the accuracy of pointing by
acquiring one or two additional stars from the SAO or GSC
Since the
malign procedure cannot be used on LWS, it
is the responsibility of the observer to focus the telescope.
Currently this is done by observing a bright IR point source at
various focus settings and selecting the pointing which yields
the best image. Please see the
page for detailed focusing instructions.
Make sure set the
LWS position angle is set to the value you wil be using for your
target, and to focus in the vicinity of your object.
If you expect your target to be visible in the guider (i.e.,
R<20) then ask the OA to put your target on the guider,
center it up, and send it to LWS. Otherwise, simply ask the OA
to send your target to LWS. Then wait while the OA sets up on
your guide star and begins guiding.
Ask the OA to send you a guider handpaddle.
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Last modified: Mon Jun 21 23:57:24 HST 1999