Although the Xfocus widget makes it easy to analyze pinhole-mask
focus data to derive a best overall focus, additional information
can be recovered from LRIS focus images. For example, it is
possible to generate contour maps of the focus as a function of
position on the detector. This document describes the procedure
for doing so.
A set of full-frame pinhole focus images.
Phase 1: Run Xfocus
Log into an HQ computer as user lriseng.
Launch xfocus from the command line, specifying
both the side you wish to analyze (red or blue) and the number
of pinholes to be found. As of 2009, the appropriate commands
Blue: ~lris/widgets/released/xfocus/xfocus -vm blue 374
Red: ~lris/widgets/released/xfocus/xfocus -vm red 357
Use the File > Open menu on Xfocus
to select images to analyze.
Xfocus should generate an image and save data to
disk. Note the name of the output file, which is given in the
last line of the IDL transcript:
% WRITE_LOGFILE: saved results to /home/lris/data/xfocus/focus.LRISBLUE.G.2009-06-04_8.fits
Phase 2: Generate Map
Log into an HQ computer as user lriseng.
Navigate to a directory in which you want to store
resulting files from analysis.
Launch IDL via command start.idl70.
Execute the analysis program on the FITS file generated by