Below is a listing of the documents that display data monitoring the performance of the blue and red ccds. For both red and blue CCDs, the linearity, readnoise, and gain are currently monitored. For the Red side, we are also measuring the CTE to see if we can track performance.


Perhaps the most important performance charactersistic on the Red side is the CTE on all amplifiers. The Charge Transfer Efficiency is monitored by examining 1200s dark exposures. We have often had to rely on the SA examining CRs in LRIS Red images and visually determining whether the charge is smeering in the readout direction. The scripts and graphs created to monitor CTE are an atttempt to quantify the CTE by looking at the overall shape of an average set of CRs deteced in each amplifier.

To complete a measurement and update the graphs do the following

  1. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> Dark Acquisition
  2. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> CTE Analysis
  3. View Red CTE web docs.

Gain and Readnoise

  1. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> Gain Acquisition
  2. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> Gain Analysis
  3. View Gain & Readnoise web docs.


  1. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> Linearity Acquisition
  2. LRIS Engineering -> IPM Tasks-> Linearity Analysis
  3. View Linearity web docs.