The new red side CCD was installed and commisioned in April, 2021. For now we don't yet have new GUIs to
control the new CCD, e.g. set binning, set exposure time, trigger expsures, etc. This is a manual for
how to control the red CCD via command lines. We will update this page when the new GUIs are available.
Set binning
Set up desired binning by
- Select from background menu Login Windows --> xterm at LRISserver or VNC Host or monored.
- An xterm will appear, then execute the lredccd_setup script. The script will set up the ccd based on desired binning and observing mode.
- Syntax for imaging 1 by 1 binning: lredccd_setup imag 1 1
- Syntax for longslit 2 by 1 binning: lredccd_setup spec 2 1
- Syntax for mask 2 by 1 binning: lredccd_setup spec 2 1
Executing lredccd_setup without arguments will give you the current CCD settings.
The script will set number of amplifiers for readout based on the observing mode. For the imaging mode, it will use 4 amplifiers. For the spectroscopy mode, it will use 2 amplifiers.
Available binning modes for imaging are 1x1, 2x2.
Available binning modes for spectroscopy are 1x1, 2x2, 2x1, 1x2
Set exposure time
In an xterm (LRISserver or VNC host or monored), execute the tintr script. The script will set the desired exposure time.
- Example: tintr 120, this will set exposure time to 120 seconds
Executing tintr without arguments will give you the current exposure time.
You may change the exposure time on the fly by reissuing tintr, e.g. tintr 90, to update exposure time to 90 seconds.
Trigger exposures
In an xterm (LRISserver or VNC host or monored), execute the goir script. The script will trigger the desired number of exposures.
- Example: goir 5, this will take 5 exposures.
Executing goir without arguments will take one exposure.
Abort exposures
In an xterm (LRISserver or VNC host or monored), execute the abortr script. The script will abort the current exposure; it will not read out and save the data.
Currently windowing is not available for the red CCD.