It is important to determine the correct instrument focus before performing the telescope focus procedures (a.k.a. MIRA ) to avoid incorrect results. The instrument focus is determined by measuring the FWHMs of comparison arc lines along the spectrum.

Polarimeter focus data are obtained with arc lamp exposures on both ordinary and extraordinary beams.

To facilitate rapid and efficient measurements of instrument focus, Keck provides software to configure the instrument, to gather focus images and to analyze them.

See below for setup and procedures.

Setup and Procedure

The default instrument setup for taking polarimeter focus data is spectroscopic mode on both red and blue arms with either the 1.0 or 1.5 arcsec wide polarimeter long slits in the beam:

  1. Configure the instrument for focusing.
    slitmakspol_1.0 or pol_1.5
    dichroicas desired
    grismas desired
    gratingas desired
    wavelenas desired
    red filterclear
    blue filterclear
    blue focus start -2450
    red focus start-0.10
    blue/red exp. time1 sec
  2. Run the spol.window script to window red CCD for polarimeter readout.
  3. Turn on arc lamps:
  4. Start the focus loop for spectroscopy

    From the CMD... menu select Focus loop Spectroscopy

    This will bring up a gui with default parameters. Click the GO button to initiate the loop.

    When the first images are displayed check that the signal level of the "slit" is well above the background (at least 4000 counts above).

  5. Examples of focus data for the red and blue sides are shown below.

    Blue side image of long slit used to focus the instrument.

    Red side image of long slit used to focus the instrument.
  6. The script will take the requested number of images and save them in the default data directory as bfocXXXX.fits and rfocXXXX.fits, where XXXX is the current frame number for blue and red.
  7. Analyze the focus images
  8. In a punaluu window type:

    focus_table | lpr -Plw4

    The focus table will be printed on the laser printer located in the same room, close to the entrance.
    Just typing focus_table in the punaluu xterm will print the table on screen. See below for example output from focus_table