
These tasks are to be done prior to the start of observing runs each month:
  1. Check conking.
  2. Check rebooting.
  3. Check disk space.
  4. Check disk speed. Log into lrisserver as lriseng. Check the speed of the disks using the command
    Check the logfile in ~lriseng/log/test_disk_io_speed.log and see whether current I/O speed is in line with previous values. If not, then suspect a problem with the LRIS RAID array and seek assistance from sysadmins; this test is completely independent of the LRIS software and simply tests the time required to write data to disk.
  5. Check image acquisition sequence speed. Bring up the LRIS software from lrisserver as lriseng using the background menu (LRIS Control Menu -> Start All LRIS Control). Check the speed of the image acquisition sequence by running the command
    For each data disk, this will acquire 5 spectral-mode bias images and compute the time to write to disk. Check the resulting output in ~lriseng/log/test_goi_time.log, which looks like this:
    # date			disk		n	erase	wcrate	wdisk	total
    2006-Apr-11 19:43	/sdata1001	10     	8.44   	55.84  	1.54   	71.35  
    2006-Apr-11 19:54	/sdata1002	10     	8.44   	55.90  	1.54   	71.40  
    2006-Apr-11 20:06	/sdata1003	10     	8.44   	55.76  	1.48   	71.30  
    Compare the time required to complete various phases to what it took in the past. If problems are seen, check software and hardware:

Daytime Checkout

These procedures are run during the day to check whether key components of the instrument are working as expected.
  1. Check safety. Phone the summit and verify that LRIS is available for moving motors and rotating.
  2. Start software. Log into lrisserver as lriseng and launch the instrument software.
  3. Check CCD shutter. In an xterm on lrisserver, issue the commands
    cycle_shutter blue
    to verify that the blue shutter will open.
    Note that for now there is no way to open/close the red shutter via keywords.
  4. Checkout instrument.
    Note: Currently grism and grating movements fail frequently. Move grism to clear and grating to mirror first before
    running the checkout script. Otherwise the checkout script will likely fail at the first try.
    Acquire an image on each side of LRIS using the
    command. Inspect the resulting images to ensure that they look correct. This script will try to power up the instrument and guiders and restart the GUIs. So please select the most suitable answers. If the monthly checkouts have been started as described here, then we can proceed without repowering the instrument and guiders. Also there would be no need to restart the GUIs.
  5. Check internal lamps.
  6. Adjust science CCD bias. (Optional)
  7. Checkout stages. (Optional)
  8. Check CCD parameters. (Optional)
  9. Check guider.