" --> LRIS keywords belong in two separate libraries:
Action | LRIS keywords | LRISBLUE keywords |
show | show -s lris keyword | show -s lrisblue keyword |
show (shortcut) | s keyword | sb keyword |
modify | modify -s lris keyword=value | modify -s lrisblue keyword=value |
modify (shortcut) | m keyword=value | mb keyword=value |
The following tables list all of the keywords contained in the LRIS and LRISBLUE libraries.
Keyword | Description | Datatype | Libraries |
ABFREQ | antiblooming frequency | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ABORTEX | abort exposure | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ADDFRAME | add frame numbers | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
AMPLIST | readout_amplifiers | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
AMPMODE | amplifier readout mode | enumerated integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ANTIBLM | antiblooming | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
AUTOERAS | automatic erase | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
AUTOREAD | automatic readout | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
AUTOSHUT | automatic shutter | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
BCLAMP | blue filter clamp | integer | LRIS |
BINNING | binning | array of integers[2] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
BLATCH | blue filter retainer | integer | LRIS |
BLUFCAR | blue filter carousel position | integer | LRIS |
BLUFCLAM | blue filter clamp name | ascii string | LRIS |
BLUFILT | blue filter name | ascii string | LRIS |
BLUFLATC | blue filter retainer name | ascii string | LRIS |
BLUFLOAD | blue filter load position | integer | LRIS |
BLUFNUM | blue filter number | integer | LRIS |
BLUFNUMR | blue filter encoder value | integer | LRIS |
BLUFOCUS | blue camera focus | real number | LRIS |
BLUFOCUSR | blue camera focus raw | integer | LRIS |
BLUFTRAN | blue filter transport name | ascii string | LRIS |
BTRAN | blue filter transport | integer | LRIS |
CALNAME | polarimeter calibration name | ascii string | LRIS |
CALNUM | polarimeter calibration wheel | integer | LRIS |
CCDBCAST | ccd music broadcasts | array of integers[12] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
CCDGAIN | ccd gain | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
CCDPOW | CCD HV Power | logical | LRISBLUE |
CCDPSIZE | CCD physical size | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
CCDSEL | ccd_chip_select | enumerated integer | LRISBLUE |
CCDSPEED | ccd readout speed | enumerated integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
CSHUTTER | camera shutter | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DARKTIME | dark time | real number | LRIS |
DATALINE | data lines | integer | LRISBLUE |
DATAPIX | data pixels | integer | LRISBLUE |
DATE_BEG | exposure begin | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DATE_END | exposure end | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DCLAMP | dichroic clamp | integer | LRIS |
DETECTOR | detector | ascii string | LRIS |
DETLSIZE | detector logical size | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DEWARID | dewar id | integer | LRIS |
DFORM | disk file format | ascii string | LRISBLUE |
DICHCAR | dichroic carousel position | integer | LRIS |
DICHCLAM | dichroic clamp name | ascii string | LRIS |
DICHLATC | dichroic retainer name | ascii string | LRIS |
DICHLOAD | dichroic load position | integer | LRIS |
DICHNAME | dichroic name | ascii string | LRIS |
DICHROIC | dichroic | integer | LRIS |
DICHROICR | dichroic encoder value | integer | LRIS |
DICHTRAN | dichroic transport name | ascii string | LRIS |
DISKFREE | readout directory free space | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DISKFREP | readout directory free percent | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DISKIMGS | readout directory disk images | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DISKLIST | readout directory list | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
DLATCH | dichroic retainer | integer | LRIS |
DTRAN | dichroic transport | integer | LRIS |
ELAPTIME | elapsed time | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ERASECNT | erase count | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ERASEIP | erase in progress | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
ERASLINE | erase line | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
EXPOSE | start exposure | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
EXPOSIP | exposure in progress | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
EXPTIME | exposure time | real number | LRIS |
FCOMMENT | frame_comments | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
FLUSHMOD | flush mode | enumerated integer | LRIS |
FRAMENO | frame number | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
G1MAP | grating 1 infomap | array of real numbers[6] | LRIS |
G2MAP | grating 2 infomap | array of real numbers[6] | LRIS |
G3MAP | grating 3 infomap | array of real numbers[6] | LRIS |
G4MAP | grating 4 infomap | array of real numbers[6] | LRIS |
G5MAP | grating 5 infomap | array of real numbers[6] | LRIS |
GBRAKE | grating tilt brake | integer | LRIS |
GCLAMP | grism clamp | integer | LRIS |
GDETENT | grating turret detent | integer | LRIS |
GLATCH | grism retainer | integer | LRIS |
GLYBLUE | glycol blue side | logical | LRIS |
GLYGUID | glycol guider | logical | LRIS |
GLYRED | glycol red side | logical | LRIS |
GRANAME | grating name | ascii string | LRIS |
GRANGLE | grating angle | real number | LRIS |
GRANGLER | grating angle raw | integer | LRIS |
GRATING | grating | integer | LRIS |
GRISCAR | grism carousel position | integer | LRIS |
GRISCLAM | grism clamp name | ascii string | LRIS |
GRISLATC | grism retainer name | ascii string | LRIS |
GRISLOAD | grism load position | integer | LRIS |
GRISM | grism | integer | LRIS |
GRISMR | grism encoder value | integer | LRIS |
GRISNAME | grism name | ascii string | LRIS |
GRISTRAN | grism transport name | ascii string | LRIS |
GRSERV | grating to service port | integer | LRIS |
GTRAN | grism transport | integer | LRIS |
GTURRET | grating turret position | integer | LRIS |
GTURRETR | grating turret raw position | integer | LRIS |
HDRCOLIP | header collection in progress | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
HOME | home stage | integer | LRIS |
ICOMMENT | instrument_comments | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
IMSHMID | image shared mem id | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
IMSHMNI | image shared mem num ixhdu | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
IMSHMSZ | image shared mem size | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
INIT | initialize lris system | integer | LRIS |
INSTRUME | instrument name | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
KEEPPREP | keep prescan pixels | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
LAMP1 | mercury | logical | LRIS |
LAMP2 | neon | logical | LRIS |
LAMP3 | argon | logical | LRIS |
LAMP4 | cadmium | logical | LRIS |
LAMP5 | zinc | logical | LRIS |
LAMP6 | halogen | logical | LRIS |
LAMPS | lamps | array of integers[6] | LRIS |
LASTROWS | last amp rows received | array of integers[2] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
LCCDBOOT | lrisblue | -ccd-reboot integer | LRISBLUE |
LFRAMENO | local frame number | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
LIMAGSTA | last image status | enumerated integer | LRIS |
LSERCLKD | last serial clock delay | integer | LRIS |
LSERV | lserv command parameter | array of integers[2] | LRIS |
LTODISK | local to disk | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
MIRGRANG | mirror grating tilt angle | double number | LRIS |
MOSMODE | mosiac readout mode | enumerated integer | LRISBLUE |
MPPMODE | mpp readout mode | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
MSWAVE | grating multi slit wavelength | real number | LRIS |
NSUBINT | number of subintegrations | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
NUMAMPS | number of readout amplifiers | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
NVIDINP | number of video inputs | integer | LRIS |
OBJECT | object | ascii string | LRIS |
OBSERVER | observer | ascii string | LRIS |
OBSERVIP | observation in progress | logical | LRIS |
OBSTYPE | obstype | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
OUTDIR | readout directory | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
OUTFILE | readout filename | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
OVRFLUSH | postscan flush lines | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE | pane | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE1 | pane 1 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE10 | pane 10 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE11 | pane 11 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE12 | pane 12 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE13 | pane 13 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE14 | pane 14 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE15 | pane 15 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE16 | pane 16 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE2 | pane 2 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE3 | pane 3 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE4 | pane 4 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE5 | pane 5 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE6 | pane 6 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE7 | pane 7 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE8 | pane 8 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANE9 | pane 9 | array of integers[4] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANEFITS | pane fits hdu format | enumerated integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANELIST | readout pane list | integer bit-mask | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PANERROR | pane error list | integer bit-mask | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PAUSE | pause exposure | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PAUSEIP | pause in progress | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PLANGLE | polarimeter waveplate angle | real number | LRIS |
PLANGLER | polarimeter waveplate angle raw | integer | LRIS |
PLZERO | polarimeter waveplate zero | integer | LRIS |
POSTLINE | postscan lines | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
POSTPIX | postscan pixels | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
POWCYC | lris power n cycle | integer | LRIS |
POWER00 | lris power00 | integer | LRIS |
POWER01 | lris power01 | integer | LRIS |
POWER02 | lris power02 | integer | LRIS |
POWER03 | lris power03 | integer | LRIS |
POWER04 | lris power04 | integer | LRIS |
POWER05 | lris power05 | integer | LRIS |
POWER06 | lris power06 | integer | LRIS |
POWER07 | lris power07 | integer | LRIS |
POWER08 | lris power08 | integer | LRIS |
POWER09 | lris power09 | integer | LRIS |
POWER10 | lris power10 | integer | LRIS |
POWER11 | lris power11 | integer | LRIS |
POWER12 | lris power12 | integer | LRIS |
POWER13 | lris power13 | integer | LRIS |
POWER14 | lris power14 | integer | LRIS |
POWER15 | lris power15 | integer | LRIS |
POWER16 | lris power16 | integer | LRIS |
POWER17 | lris power17 | integer | LRIS |
POWER18 | lris power18 | integer | LRIS |
POWER19 | lris power19 | integer | LRIS |
POWER20 | lris power20 | integer | LRIS |
POWER21 | lris power21 | integer | LRIS |
POWER22 | lris power22 | integer | LRIS |
POWER23 | lris power23 | integer | LRIS |
POWER24 | lris power24 | integer | LRIS |
POWER25 | lris power25 | integer | LRIS |
POWER26 | lris power26 | integer | LRIS |
POWER27 | lris power27 | integer | LRIS |
POWER28 | lris power28 | integer | LRIS |
POWER29 | lris power29 | integer | LRIS |
POWER30 | lris power30 | integer | LRIS |
POWER31 | lris power31 | integer | LRIS |
POWERCYC | power cycle | ascii string | LRIS |
POWEROFF | power off | ascii string | LRIS |
POWERON | power on | ascii string | LRIS |
POWOFF | lris power n off | integer | LRIS |
POWON | lris power n on | integer | LRIS |
PRECOL | prescan columns | integer | LRIS |
PREFLUSH | prescan flush lines | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PRELINE | prescan lines | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PREPIX | prescan pixels | integer | LRISBLUE |
PREROW | prescan rows | integer | LRIS |
PWRBLKR1 | ccd dewar heater 1 voltage raw | integer | LRIS |
PWRBLKR2 | ccd dewar heater 2 voltage raw | integer | LRIS |
PWRBLOK | ccd dewar heater voltage | real number | LRISBLUE |
PWRBLOK1 | ccd dewar heater 1 voltage | real number | LRIS |
PWRBLOK2 | ccd dewar heater 2 voltage | real number | LRIS |
PWRBLOKM | ccd dewar heater voltage map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
PWRBLOKR | ccd dewar heater voltage raw | integer | LRISBLUE |
RCOMMENT | run_comments | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
REDFGRAB | red filter transport name | ascii string | LRIS |
REDFILT | red filter name | ascii string | LRIS |
REDFNUM | red filter number | integer | LRIS |
REDFNUMR | red filter jukebox raw position | integer | LRIS |
REDFOCUS | rfoc position backcompatible | real number | LRIS |
REDFOCUSR | rfoc raw position backcompatible | integer | LRIS |
REDSHSTA | red shutter status | enumerated integer | LRIS |
REDSHUT | red ccd shutter state | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
REDSHUTE | red ccd shutter error state | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
RESUME | resume exposure | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
RFGRAB | red filter transport | integer | LRIS |
RFGRABR | raw red filter transport | integer | LRIS |
RFJUKE | red filter jukebox position | integer | LRIS |
RFOCIGF | rfoc ignore me float | real number | LRIS |
ROWSHFT | row shift per subintegrations | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
RSERV | writing server memory | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
SHBLCLTM | shutter blade closing time | real number | LRIS |
SHBLOPTM | shutter blade opening time | real number | LRIS |
SHCLOCNT | shutter closing count | integer | LRIS |
SHLATCLO | shutter latency on closing | real number | LRIS |
SHLATOPN | shutter latency on opening | real number | LRIS |
SHOPNCNT | shutter opening count | integer | LRIS |
SLITGRAB | slitmask transport name | ascii string | LRIS |
SLITMASK | slitmask | integer | LRIS |
SLITMASKR | slitmask jukebox raw position | integer | LRIS |
SLITNAME | slitmask name | ascii string | LRIS |
SMGRAB | slitmask transport | integer | LRIS |
SMGRABR | raw slitmask transport | integer | LRIS |
SMJUKE | slitmask jukebox position | integer | LRIS |
STAGES | stage names | integer | LRIS |
STOPEX | stop exposure | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
SYNOPFMT | format_for_SYNOPSIS | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
SYNOPSIS | synopsis_of_FITS_keywords | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TDLTEST1 | tdl test 1 | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TDLTEST2 | tdl test 2 | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TDLTEST3 | tdl test 3 | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TEMPDET | detector temperature | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TEMPDET1 | detector 1 temperature | real number | LRIS |
TEMPDET2 | detector 2 temperature | real number | LRIS |
TEMPDETM | detector temperature map | array of real numbers[5] | LRISBLUE |
TEMPDETR | detector temperature raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TEMPSET | ccd desired dewar temperature | real number | LRIS |
TEMPSETM | ccd desired dewar temperature map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS |
TEMPSETR | ccd desired dewar temperature raw | integer | LRIS |
TITLE | image title | ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TMPDETR1 | detector 1 temperature raw | integer | LRIS |
TMPDETR2 | detector 2 temperature raw | integer | LRIS |
TODISK | to disk | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TOTAPE | to tape | logical | LRISBLUE |
TRAPDOOR | trapdoor | logical | LRIS |
TRAPERR | traperr | logical | LRIS |
TTIME | total time | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
TV1FILT | offset guider filter | integer | LRIS |
TV1FOCR | offset guider raw focus | integer | LRIS |
TV1FOCUS | offset guider focus | real number | LRIS |
TV1FPOS | offset guider position | real number | LRIS |
TV1POS | offset guider position | real number | LRIS |
TV1POSR | offset guider raw position | integer | LRIS |
TV2FILT | slit viewing guider filter | integer | LRIS |
USER0 | user variable0 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER1 | user variable1 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER2 | user variable2 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER3 | user variable3 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER4 | user variable4 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER5 | user variable5 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER6 | user variable6 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER7 | user variable7 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER8 | user variable8 | ascii string | LRIS |
USER9 | user variable9 | ascii string | LRIS |
UTBM15V | ccd minus 15 volts | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBM15VM | ccd minus 15 volts map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBM15VR | ccd minus 15 volts raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP15V | ccd plus 15 volts | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP15VM | ccd plus 15 volts map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP15VR | ccd plus 15 volts raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP30V | ccd plus 30 volts | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP30VM | ccd plus 30 volts map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP30VR | ccd plus 30 volts raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP5V | ccd plus 5 volts | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP5VM | ccd plus 5 volts map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBP5VR | ccd plus 5 volts raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBTEMP | ccd utility board temperature | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBTEMPM | ccd utility board temperature map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBTEMPR | ccd utility board temperature raw | integer | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBTMPS | ccd desired utility board temperature | real number | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
UTBTMPSM | ccd desired utility board temperature map | array of real numbers[5] | LRIS |
UTBTMPSR | ccd desired utility board temperature raw | integer | LRIS |
VIDINP1 | video input 1 id | integer | LRIS |
VIDINP2 | video input 2 id | integer | LRIS |
VIDINP3 | video input 3 id | integer | LRIS |
VIDINP4 | video input 4 id | integer | LRIS |
VIDOFF1 | vidoff 1 | integer | LRIS |
VIDOFF2 | vidoff 2 | integer | LRIS |
VIDOFF3 | vidoff 3 | integer | LRIS |
VIDOFF4 | vidoff 4 | integer | LRIS |
VOFFSET0 | video offset amplifier 0 | integer | LRISBLUE |
VOFFSET1 | video offset amplifier 1 | integer | LRISBLUE |
VOFFSET2 | video offset amplifier 2 | integer | LRISBLUE |
VOFFSET3 | video offset amplifier 3 | integer | LRISBLUE |
WATCHLRIS | watch lris | integer | LRIS |
WAVELEN | grating wavelength | real number | LRIS |
WCCDKWFR | watch_ccd | keywordlist file, requested ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
WCCDKWFU | watch_ccd | keywordlist file, used ascii string | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
WCRATE | writing crate memory | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
WDISK | writing disk | logical | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
WHEATPWR | window heater power | integer | LRISBLUE |
WINDOW | window | array of integers[5] | LRIS, LRISBLUE |
WSERV | writing lickserv2 | logical | LRIS |