Below are descriptions of offsetting routines that may be used
with LRIS.
SLTMOV - spectroscopy
is the primary script to use for spectroscopic observations when
offsetting objects along the slit. The syntax for the command is
sltmov # where "#" is an offset specified in arcsec.
- + offsets move targets "up" on the science and guider displays
- - offsets move targets "down" on the science and guider
The arrows in the image below indicate the direction the
object will move in the image when a positive offset is
Offsetting via pixel or coordinates
Below we highlight useful commands for offsetting the
- en -- move the telescope
east and north
- movb -- move an object
to a given position on the LRIS blue array. All coordinates
are pixel positions on the blue detector.
- gomov -- move an object
to a given position on the LRIS offset guider
- gsmov -- move an object to a
given position on the LRIS guider
More commands may be found at:
Telescope ctr scripts
Imaging dither routines
- bxy5b -- acquire BLUE images in 5-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy5br -- acquire BLUE and RED images in 5-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy5m -- acquire RED/BLUE images in 5-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy5r -- acquire RED images in 5-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy8b -- acquire BLUE images in 8-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy8br -- acquire RED/BLUE images in 8-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy8m -- acquire RED/BLUE images in 8-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy8r -- acquire RED images in 8-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy9_skew_br -- acquire RED and BLUE images in skewed 9-position dither pattern
- bxy9b -- acquire BLUE images in 9-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy9br -- acquire RED/BLUE images in 9-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy9m -- acquire RED/BLUE images in 9-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords
- bxy9r -- acquire RED images in
9-pos box pattern in DETECTOR coords