Autocopy is used to automatically create a headquarters backup copy of your data,
as well as to provide nearly instantaneous copies of the raw data in a directory
where you can do on-line data reduction. You should NOT reduce
data on the disk containing your raw data!!
``autocopy'' is a wrapper around copymon that removes some of the groundwork of
finding a scratch disk, creating a subdirectory, etc., before copymon can be run.
Observers can start "autocopy" in the afternoon and allow it to run all night.
This frees the user to worry about reducing the images rather than
having to manually check for new incoming images and copy them over.
Starting Autocopy
Autocopy may be started at anytime during the observing session. To start autocopy,
- Select from the desktop menu LRIS Utilities --> Autocopy (copymon) .
- An exterm will appear. Do not kill the xterm.
The script will ...
- Find the headquarters scratch disk with the most space available.
- Create or move to a subdirectory with your username (e.g. lris15).
- Check the current output directory for images.
- If data is found, ask the observers if they want to copy over existing data.
- Two new xterms appear with copymon running; one each for the red and blue side. Do not kill the xterms
- iconify the two xterms.
Autocopy can also be run from the command line. On the appropriate instrument
computer type ``autocopy''; that's it! If you want to force autocopy to use a
specific disk, you can type ``autocopy disk_name''. disk_name can even be a
summit scratch disk.
To quit
- kill the xterms or Ctrl-C in the xterm to stop the process
- Select from the desktop menu:
LRIS Utilities --> Copymon STOP .
The script copymon is launched by autocopy to copy
incoming images into a directory. If copymon is launched from the command line, the
incoming data is copied into the directory in which copymon was started.
Copymon will quit if it is after 10 a.m. and the script was either started before
10 a.m. or sometime the previous day. The program can be allowed to run until quitting
time, or may be stopped with repeated Ctrl-C interrupts when shutting down for the night.
copymon may only be run on the instrument datataking computer lrisserver.
Observers do not usually run copymon except when
the autocopy script is started.
copymon instrument
instrument - name of the instrument being used.
Possible values are:
- lris - copy red side LRIS data
- lrisblue - copy blue side LRIS data
On lrisserver ...
- cd /h/scratch555/temp555 - cd to new directory created on a scratch disk. The "/h" designates a headquarters machine.
- copymon lrisblue - start copying blue side data from the output to the curret directory
- copymon lris - start copying red side data from the output to the curret directory
The programs start up and print:
> copymon is now running! Incoming lris files will be copied
> into the current directory (/tmp_mnt/s/scratch103/lris1).
> This program will terminate automatically in 18 hours or at 10 a.m.,
> whichever comes first.