
Servers list and description

KCWI requires a total of 13 individual servers and a global server

Checking servers

There are three ways of checking if the servers are running

>> gpsall

This command returns a list of running servers on the local computer. On kcwiserver, it does not see kbds. On kcwitarg, it only sees kbds. There is no check for the expected number of servers.

>> ctx

This command is able to connect to the targ computer and checks that the necessary servers are running

>> testAll servers

Runs the usual testAll but focusing on the servers

To check if an individual server is running, one can run:

>> kcwi status <server>


>> kcwiCheckServer <server>

Starting/Stopping/Restarting servers

Individual servers can be started, stopped and restarted using a single command:

>> kcwi <start|stop|restart> <server>

The entire set of servers, excluding the global server (kcwi), can be started with:

>> kcwi <start|stop|restart> servers

which, in general, should be followed by:

>> kcwi start kcwi


Information on logging can be found here