Quick Reference

Verify instrument states in KCWI configuration manager

  1. After creating multiple states for KCWI, take some time to verify that they look correct, including the detector configuration sub-menu
  2. States that are modified after taking calibrations might require a new set of calibrations

Calibration GUI

The GUI looks like this:

Run the calibration procedure

  1. Enter the name of your program in the Program ID box
  2. Check the boxes next to the configurations that you want to calibrate
  3. Click "Prepare calibration scripts"
  4. Chose the calibration mode:
  5. Click "Run cals". This will execute the relevant .csh file generated in the "Prepare calibration scripts" step.

If the Calibration GUI crashes when you select your program, the most likely problem is that one of your states is missing keywords. A quick fix is to go back to the configuration manager (the web page), edit the state and click on Default Cal Unit and Default Detector, and Update.

If it still doesn't work, ask for help from your SA but remember that the manual version still works.