DEMONSTRATE FACILITY SCRIPTS FOR MOVING TELESCOPE Record the position of a star on the guider. The position of a star or stars on the science detector should also be recorded. Issue the following commands, recording the star's position after each: "N 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec North) "E 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec East) "S 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec South) "W 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec West) "en 10 7" (should move 10 arcsec East, 7 arcsec North) "az 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec in azimuth) "el 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec in elevation) "x 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec in the instrument's x-axis) "y 10" (should move the telescope 10 arcsec in the instrument's y-axis) "xy 10 7" (should move 10 arcsec in x, 7 in y) "gxy 10 7" (should move in the guider coordinate system) "cent x y" (should center a target at (x,y) on the detector to detector center) "mov x1 y1 x2 y2" [should move a target at (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)] "scent x y" (should center a target at (x,y) onto the slit center) "foc 2.0" (should change the telescope focus to 2.00 mm) "pmfm 250" (should put 250 nm of focus mode into the primary) "pmfm 0" (should restack the segments) "bxy5 6 9" (should take exposures and move telescope in a five-point box pattern) "bxy9 6 9" (same as bxy5 except with a 9-point pattern)