ESI Keywords

The table below lists all of the ESI keywords, together with a brief description, the format of the keyword, and either the Galil controller which handles that keyword, of "CCD" if the CCD controller handles it.

Note that these keywords are in ALPHABETICAL order, not in the order in which they appear in the output from a "show -s esi keywords" command. Also note that only a subset of these keywords is recorded in the FITS image headers.

Keyword Description Format Controller
ABFREQ antiblooming-frequency integer CCD
ABORTEX abort-exposure logical CCD
ADDFRAME add-frame-numbers logical CCD
AIRPRESS air-pressure-status logical 1
AIRPWPSI compressed-air-power-psi real number 0
AIRPWRAW compressed-air-power-raw real number 0
AMPLIST readout-amplifiers array of integers[4] CCD
ANTIBLM antiblooming logical CCD
APMSKCAL aperture-mask-calibration logical 0
APMSKDMP aperture-mask-dump logical 0
APMSKENC aperture-mask-motor-encoder-position integer 0
APMSKERR aperture-mask-error-number integer 0
APMSKLCK aperture-mask-lock ascii string 0
APMSKMOD aperture-mask-control-mode enumerated integer 0
APMSKMSG aperture-mask-message ascii string 0
APMSKNAM middle-wheel ascii string 0
APMSKORD aperture-mask-ordinal-position integer 0
APMSKRAW aperture-mask-raw-position integer 0
APMSKREN aperture-mask-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
APMSKSPD aperture-mask-speed integer 0
APMSKSTA aperture-mask-status enumerated integer 0
APMSKTOR aperture-mask-torque real number 0
APMSKTRG aperture-mask-raw-position-target integer 0
APMSKTSP aperture-mask-speed-target integer 0
APMSKVAL aperture-mask-value real number 0
APMSKVEL aperture-mask-velocity real number 0
APMSKVRB aperture-mask-verbose-messages logical 0
AUTOERAS automatic-erase logical CCD
AUTOREAD automatic-readout logical CCD
AUTOSHUT automatic-shutter logical CCD
BINNING binning array of integers[2] CCD
CCDBCAST ccd-music-broadcasts array of integers[10] CCD
CCDGAIN ccd-gain logical CCD
CCDSPEED ccd-readout-speed enumerated integer CCD
COLL1CAL collimator-actuator-1-calibration logical 0
COLL1DMP collimator-actuator-1-dump logical 0
COLL1ENC collimator-actuator-1-motor-encoder-position integer 0
COLL1ERR collimator-actuator-1-error-number integer 0
COLL1FIP collimator-actuator-1-fiducial-light-sensor logical 0
COLL1FOP collimator-actuator-1-fiducial-light-source logical 0
COLL1LCK collimator-actuator-1-lock ascii string 0
COLL1LIM collimator-actuator-1-limits enumerated integer 0
COLL1MOD collimator-actuator-1-control-mode enumerated integer 0
COLL1MSG collimator-actuator-1-message ascii string 0
COLL1NAM collimator-actuator-1-named-position ascii string 0
COLL1ORD collimator-actuator-1-ordinal-position integer 0
COLL1RAW collimator-actuator-1-raw-position integer 0
COLL1REN collimator-actuator-1-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
COLL1SPD collimator-actuator-1-speed integer 0
COLL1STA collimator-actuator-1-status enumerated integer 0
COLL1TOR collimator-actuator-1-torque real number 0
COLL1TRG collimator-actuator-1-raw-position-target integer 0
COLL1TSP collimator-actuator-1-speed-target integer 0
COLL1VAL collimator-actuator-1-value real number 0
COLL1VEL collimator-actuator-1-velocity real number 0
COLL1VRB collimator-actuator-1-verbose-messages logical 0
COLL2CAL collimator-actuator-2-calibration logical 0
COLL2DMP collimator-actuator-2-dump logical 0
COLL2ENC collimator-actuator-2-motor-encoder-position integer 0
COLL2ERR collimator-actuator-2-error-number integer 0
COLL2FIP collimator-actuator-2-fiducial-light-sensor logical 0
COLL2FOP collimator-actuator-2-fiducial-light-source logical 0
COLL2LCK collimator-actuator-2-lock ascii string 0
COLL2LIM collimator-actuator-2-limits enumerated integer 0
COLL2MOD collimator-actuator-2-control-mode enumerated integer 0
COLL2MSG collimator-actuator-2-message ascii string 0
COLL2NAM collimator-actuator-2-named-position ascii string 0
COLL2ORD collimator-actuator-2-ordinal-position integer 0
COLL2RAW collimator-actuator-2-raw-position integer 0
COLL2REN collimator-actuator-2-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
COLL2SPD collimator-actuator-2-speed integer 0
COLL2STA collimator-actuator-2-status enumerated integer 0
COLL2TOR collimator-actuator-2-torque real number 0
COLL2TRG collimator-actuator-2-raw-position-target integer 0
COLL2TSP collimator-actuator-2-speed-target integer 0
COLL2VAL collimator-actuator-2-value real number 0
COLL2VEL collimator-actuator-2-velocity real number 0
COLL2VRB collimator-actuator-2-verbose-messages logical 0
COLL3CAL collimator-actuator-3-calibration logical 0
COLL3DMP collimator-actuator-3-dump logical 0
COLL3ENC collimator-actuator-3-motor-encoder-position integer 0
COLL3ERR collimator-actuator-3-error-number integer 0
COLL3FIP collimator-actuator-3-fiducial-light-sensor logical 0
COLL3FOP collimator-actuator-3-fiducial-light-source logical 0
COLL3LCK collimator-actuator-3-lock ascii string 0
COLL3LIM collimator-actuator-3-limits enumerated integer 0
COLL3MOD collimator-actuator-3-control-mode enumerated integer 0
COLL3MSG collimator-actuator-3-message ascii string 0
COLL3NAM collimator-actuator-3-named-position ascii string 0
COLL3ORD collimator-actuator-3-ordinal-position integer 0
COLL3RAW collimator-actuator-3-raw-position integer 0
COLL3REN collimator-actuator-3-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
COLL3SPD collimator-actuator-3-speed integer 0
COLL3STA collimator-actuator-3-status enumerated integer 0
COLL3TOR collimator-actuator-3-torque real number 0
COLL3TRG collimator-actuator-3-raw-position-target integer 0
COLL3TSP collimator-actuator-3-speed-target integer 0
COLL3VAL collimator-actuator-3-value real number 0
COLL3VEL collimator-actuator-3-velocity real number 0
COLL3VRB collimator-actuator-3-verbose-messages logical 0
COLLDMP collimator-dump logical 0
COLLERR collimator-error-number integer 0
COLLFLX1 collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-1 integer 0
COLLFLX2 collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-2 integer 0
COLLFLX3 collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-3 integer 0
COLLFOC collimator-focus real number 0
COLLFOCR focus integer 0
COLLFOCT collimator-focus-target integer 0
COLLMODE collimator-control-mode enumerated integer 0
COLLMSG collimator-message ascii string 0
COLLOFF1 collimator-offset-error-actuator-1 integer 0
COLLOFF2 collimator-offset-error-actuator-2 integer 0
COLLOFF3 collimator-offset-error-actuator-3 integer 0
COLLSTAT collimator-control-status enumerated integer 0
COLLUSR1 collimator-user-offset-actuator-1 integer 0
COLLUSR2 collimator-user-offset-actuator-2 integer 0
COLLUSR3 collimator-user-offset-actuator-3 integer 0
COLLVRB collimator-verbose-messages enumerated integer 0
COOLFLOW external-coolant-flow logical 0
COOLPRES external-coolant-pressure logical 0
CSHUTTER camera-shutter logical CCD
CTRL0BEK controller-0-bekins enumerated integer 0
CTRL0CLK controller-0-clock integer 0
CTRL0DMP controller-0-dump logical 0
CTRL0MOD controller-0-control-mode enumerated integer 0
CTRL0MON controller-0-monitor enumerated integer 0
CTRL0UHL controller-0-uhaul enumerated integer 0
CTRL1BEK controller-1-bekins enumerated integer 1
CTRL1CLK controller-1-clock integer 1
CTRL1DMP controller-1-dump logical 1
CTRL1MOD controller-1-control-mode enumerated integer 1
CTRL1MON controller-1-monitor enumerated integer 1
CTRL1UHL controller-1-uhaul enumerated integer 1
CTRLFAN0 controller-0-electronics-fans logical 0
CTRLFAN1 controller-1-electronics-fans logical 1
DATALINE data-lines integer CCD
DATAPIX data-pixels integer CCD
DETECTOR detector ascii string CCD
DEWARID dewar-id integer CCD
DFORM disk-file-format ascii string CCD
DISP0CFG dispatcher-0-config-time-stamp ascii string 0
DISP0HOM dispatcher-0-host-machine ascii string 0
DISP0LOG dispatcher-0-log-filename ascii string 0
DISP0MOD dispatcher-0-control-mode enumerated integer 0
DISP0PID dispatcher-0-process-id integer 0
DISP1CFG dispatcher-1-config-time-stamp ascii string 1
DISP1HOM dispatcher-1-host-machine ascii string 1
DISP1LOG dispatcher-1-log-filename ascii string 1
DISP1MOD dispatcher-1-control-mode enumerated integer 1
DISP1PID dispatcher-1-process-id integer 1
DWFILCAL dewar-filter-calibration logical 0
DWFILDMP xxx-xxx-dump logical 0
DWFILENC dewar-filter-motor-encoder-position integer 0
DWFILERR dewar-filter-error-number integer 0
DWFILLCK dewar-filter-lock ascii string 0
DWFILMOD dewar-filter-control-mode enumerated integer 0
DWFILMSG dewar-filter-message ascii string 0
DWFILNAM lower-wheel ascii string 0
DWFILORD dewar-filter-ordinal-position integer 0
DWFILRAW dewar-filter-raw-position integer 0
DWFILREN dewar-filter-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
DWFILSPD dewar-filter-speed integer 0
DWFILSTA dewar-filter-status enumerated integer 0
DWFILTOR dewar-filter-torque real number 0
DWFILTRG dewar-filter-raw-position-target integer 0
DWFILTSP dewar-filter-speed-target integer 0
DWFILVAL dewar-filter-value real number 0
DWFILVEL dewar-filter-velocity real number 0
DWFILVRB dewar-filter-verbose-messages logical 0
DWINDOW desired-window array of integers[5] CCD
DWRMANF dewar-manual-fill logical CCD
DWRN2LV ccd-dewar-nitrogen-level real number CCD
DWRN2LVM ccd-dewar-nitrogen-level-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
DWRN2LVR ccd-dewar-nitrogen-level-raw integer CCD
ELAPTIME elapsed-time integer CCD
ERASECNT erase-count integer CCD
ERASEIP erase-in-progress logical CCD
ERASLINE erase-line logical CCD
EXPOSE start-exposure logical CCD
EXPOSIP exposure-in-progress logical CCD
FCOMMENT frame_comments ascii string CCD
FRAMENO frame-number integer CCD
HATCHDMP hatch-dump logical 1
HATCHERR hatch-error-number integer 1
HATCHLCK hatch-lock ascii string 1
HATCHMSG hatch-message ascii string 1
HATCHPOS hatch-position enumerated integer 1
HATCHSTA hatch-status enumerated integer 1
HATCHTRG hatch-target enumerated integer 1
HATCHVRB hatch-verbose-messages logical 1
ICOMMENT instrument_comments ascii string CCD
IMFLTBRK image-flat-shuttle-brake logical 1
IMFLTCAL image-flat-shuttle-calibration logical 1
IMFLTDMP image-flat-shuttle-dump logical 1
IMFLTERR image-flat-shuttle-error-number integer 1
IMFLTLCK image-flat-shuttle-lock ascii string 1
IMFLTLIM image-flat-shuttle-limits enumerated integer 1
IMFLTMOD image-flat-shuttle-control-mode enumerated integer 1
IMFLTMSG image-flat-shuttle-message ascii string 1
IMFLTNAM imaging-flat ascii string 1
IMFLTORD image-flat-shuttle-ordinal-position integer 1
IMFLTRAW image-flat-shuttle-raw-position integer 1
IMFLTSPD image-flat-shuttle-speed integer 1
IMFLTSTA image-flat-shuttle-status enumerated integer 1
IMFLTTOR image-flat-shuttle-torque real number 1
IMFLTTRG image-flat-shuttle-raw-position-target integer 1
IMFLTTSP image-flat-shuttle-speed-target integer 1
IMFLTVAL image-flat-shuttle-value real number 1
IMFLTVEL image-flat-shuttle-velocity real number 1
IMFLTVRB image-flat-shuttle-verbose-messages logical 1
INSTRUME instrument ascii string CCD
IONCURMA ion-pump-current-milliamps real number 0
IONCURRA ion-pump-current-raw real number 0
IONPUMP ion-pump enumerated integer 0
KEEPPREP keep-prescan-pixels logical CCD
KILLPOW0 kill-ac-power-0 logical 0
KILLPOW1 kill-ac-power-1 logical 1
LAMPAR1 lamp-argon-1 logical 1
LAMPAR2 lamp-argon-2 logical 1
LAMPCU1 lamp-copper-1 logical 1
LAMPCU2 lamp-copper-2 logical 1
LAMPFAN lamp-fan logical 1
LAMPNE1 lamp-neon-1 logical 1
LAMPNE2 lamp-neon-2 logical 1
LAMPQTZ1 lamp-quartz-1 logical 1
LDFLTBRK low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-brake logical 1
LDFLTCAL low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-calibration logical 1
LDFLTDMP low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-dump logical 1
LDFLTERR low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-error-number integer 1
LDFLTFIP low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-fiducial-light-sensor logical 1
LDFLTFOP low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-fiducial-light-source logical 1
LDFLTLCK low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-lock ascii string 1
LDFLTLIM low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-limits enumerated integer 1
LDFLTMOD low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-control-mode enumerated integer 1
LDFLTMSG low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-message ascii string 1
LDFLTNAM low-dispersion-flat ascii string 1
LDFLTORD low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-ordinal-position integer 1
LDFLTRAW low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-raw-position integer 1
LDFLTSPD low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-speed integer 1
LDFLTSTA low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-status enumerated integer 1
LDFLTTOR low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-torque real number 1
LDFLTTRG low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-raw-position-target integer 1
LDFLTTSP low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-speed-target integer 1
LDFLTVAL low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-value real number 1
LDFLTVEL low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-velocity real number 1
LDFLTVRB low-dispersion-flat-shuttle-verbose-messages logical 1
LFRAMENO last-frame-number integer CCD
LTODISK last-to-disk logical CCD
MANU0CON controller-0-manual-control-switch-state logical 0
MANU1CON controller-1-manual-control-switch-state logical 1
MPPMODE mpp-readout-mode logical CCD
NSUBINT number-of-subintegrations integer CCD
NUMAMPS number-of-readout-amplifiers integer CCD
OBJECT object ascii string CCD
OBSERVER observer ascii string CCD
OBSTYPE obstype ascii string CCD
OUTDIR readout-directory ascii string CCD
OUTFILE readout-filename ascii string CCD
OVRFLUSH postscan-flush-lines integer CCD
PAUSE pause-exposure logical CCD
PAUSEIP pause-in-progress logical CCD
POSTLINE postscan-lines integer CCD
POSTPIX postscan-pixels integer CCD
POW05S0V motor-controller-0-electronics-5-volt-power-supply-voltage real number 0
POW05S1V motor-controller-1-electronics-5-volt-power-supply-voltage real number 1
POW12S0R motor-controller-0-electronics-12-volt-power-raw real number 0
POW12S1R motor-controller-1-electronics-12-volt-power-raw real number 1
POW28S0R motor-controller-0-electronics-28-volt-power-raw real number 0
POW28S0V motor-controller-0-electronics-28-volt-power-supply-voltage real number 0
POW28S1R motor-controller-1-electronics-28-volt-power-raw real number 1
POW28S1V motor-controller-1-electronics-28-volt-power-supply-voltage real number 1
PREFLUSH prescan-flush-lines integer CCD
PRELINE prescan-lines integer CCD
PREPIX prescan-pixels integer CCD
PRISMBRK prism-shuttle-brake logical 1
PRISMCAL prism-shuttle-calibration logical 1
PRISMDMP prism-shuttle-dump logical 1
PRISMERR prism-shuttle-error-number integer 1
PRISMFIP prism-shuttle-fiducial-light-sensor logical 1
PRISMFOP prism-shuttle-fiducial-light-source logical 1
PRISMLCK prism-shuttle-lock ascii string 1
PRISMLIM prism-shuttle-limits enumerated integer 1
PRISMMOD prism-shuttle-control-mode enumerated integer 1
PRISMMSG prism-shuttle-message ascii string 1
PRISMNAM moving-prism ascii string 1
PRISMORD prism-shuttle-ordinal-position integer 1
PRISMRAW prism-shuttle-raw-position integer 1
PRISMSPD prism-shuttle-speed integer 1
PRISMSTA prism-shuttle-status enumerated integer 1
PRISMTOR prism-shuttle-torque real number 1
PRISMTRG prism-shuttle-raw-position-target integer 1
PRISMTSP prism-shuttle-speed-target integer 1
PRISMVAL prism-shuttle-value real number 1
PRISMVEL prism-shuttle-velocity real number 1
PRISMVRB prism-shuttle-verbose-messages logical 1
PWINDOW physical-window array of integers[5] CCD
PWRBLOK ccd-dewar-heater-voltage real number CCD
PWRBLOKM ccd-dewar-heater-voltage-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
PWRBLOKR ccd-dewar-heater-voltage-raw integer CCD
RCOMMENT run_comments ascii string CCD
RESN2LV ccd-reservoir-nitrogen-level real number CCD
RESN2LVM ccd-reservoir-nitrogen-level-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
RESN2LVR ccd-reservoir-nitrogen-level-raw integer CCD
RESUME resume-exposure logical CCD
ROWSHFT row-shift-per-subintegrations integer CCD
SHUTSTAT shutter-status enumerated integer CCD
SHUTTER shutter logical CCD
SLMSKCAL slitmask-calibration logical 0
SLMSKDMP slitmask-dump logical 0
SLMSKENC slitmask-motor-encoder-position integer 0
SLMSKERR slitmask-error-number integer 0
SLMSKLCK slitmask-lock ascii string 0
SLMSKMOD slitmask-control-mode enumerated integer 0
SLMSKMSG slitmask-message ascii string 0
SLMSKNAM slit-wheel ascii string 0
SLMSKORD slitmask-ordinal-position integer 0
SLMSKRAW slitmask-raw-position integer 0
SLMSKREN slitmask-stage-encoder-signal-quality real number 0
SLMSKSPD slitmask-speed integer 0
SLMSKSTA slitmask-status enumerated integer 0
SLMSKTOR slitmask-torque real number 0
SLMSKTRG slitmask-raw-position-target integer 0
SLMSKTSP slitmask-speed-target integer 0
SLMSKVAL slitmask-value real number 0
SLMSKVEL slitmask-velocity real number 0
SLMSKVRB slitmask-verbose-messages logical 0
STOPEX stop-exposure logical CCD
SYNOPFMT format_for_SYNOPSIS ascii string CCD
SYNOPSIS synopsis_of_FITS_keywords ascii string CCD
TAPEDEV tape-device ascii string CCD
TEMPDET detector-temperature real number CCD
TEMPDETM detector-temperature-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
TEMPDETR detector-temperature-raw integer CCD
TEMPSET ccd-desired-dewar-temperature real number CCD
TEMPSETM ccd-desired-dewar-temperature-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
TEMPSETR ccd-desired-dewar-temperature-raw integer CCD
TMPBOX0C motor-controller-0-electronics-box-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPBOX0F motor-controller-0-electronics-box-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPBOX0R motor-controller-0-electronics-box-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPBOX1C motor-controller-1-electronics-box-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPBOX1F motor-controller-1-electronics-box-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPBOX1R motor-controller-1-electronics-box-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPCAMC camera-exterior-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPCAMF camera-exterior-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPCAMR camera-exterior-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPCIN0C motor-controller-0-coolant-in-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPCIN0F motor-controller-0-coolant-in-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPCIN0R motor-controller-0-coolant-in-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPCIN1C motor-controller-1-coolant-in-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPCIN1F motor-controller-1-coolant-in-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPCIN1R motor-controller-1-coolant-in-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPCOLLC collimator-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPCOLLF motor-controller-0-collimator-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPCOLLR collimator-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPCOU0C motor-controller-0-coolant-out-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPCOU0F motor-controller-0-coolant-out-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPCOU0R motor-controller-0-coolant-out-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPCOU1C motor-controller-1-coolant-out-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPCOU1F motor-controller-1-coolant-out-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPCOU1R motor-controller-1-coolant-out-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPELE0C motor-controller-0-electronics-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPELE0F motor-ontroller-0-electronics-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPELE0R motor-controller-0-electronics-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPELE1C motor-controller-1-electronics-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPELE1F motor-controller-1-electronics-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPELE1R motor-controller-1-electronics-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPEXTC spectrograph-exterior-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPEXTF spectrograph-exterior-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPEXTR spectrograph-exterior-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPFRM1C frame-1-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPFRM1F frame-1-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPFRM1R frame-1-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPFRM2C frame-2-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPFRM2F frame-2-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPFRM2R frame-2-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPINTC spectrograph-interior-temperature-celsius real number 0
TMPINTF spectrograph-interior-temperature-fahrenheit real number 0
TMPINTR spectrograph-interior-temperature-raw real number 0
TMPLAMPC calibration-lamp-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPLAMPF calibration-lamp-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPLAMPR calibration-lamp-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPOSSC oss-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPOSSF oss-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPOSSR oss-temperature-raw real number 1
TMPPRSMC prism-temperature-celsius real number 1
TMPPRSMF prism-temperature-fahrenheit real number 1
TMPPRSMR prism-temperature-raw real number 1
TODISK to-disk logical CCD
TOTAPE to-tape logical CCD
TTIME total-time integer CCD
TVFILCAL tv-filter-calibration logical 0
TVFILDMP tv-filter-dump logical 0
TVFILERR tv-filter-error-number integer 0
TVFILFIP tv-filter-fiducial-light-sensor logical 0
TVFILFOP tv-filter-fiducial-light-source logical 0
TVFILLCK tv-filter-lock ascii string 0
TVFILMOD tv-filter-control-mode enumerated integer 0
TVFILMSG tv-filter-message ascii string 0
TVFILNAM tv-filter-named-position ascii string 0
TVFILORD tv-filter-ordinal-position integer 0
TVFILRAW tv-filter-raw-position integer 0
TVFILSPD tv-filter-speed integer 0
TVFILSTA tv-filter-status enumerated integer 0
TVFILTOR tv-filter-torque real number 0
TVFILTRG tv-filter-raw-position-target integer 0
TVFILTSP tv-filter-speed-target integer 0
TVFILVAL tv-filter-value real number 0
TVFILVEL tv-filter-velocity real number 0
TVFILVRB tv-filter-verbose-messages logical 0
TVFOCCAL tv-focus-calibration logical 0
TVFOCDMP tv-focus-dump logical 0
TVFOCERR tv-focus-error-number integer 0
TVFOCFIP tv-focus-fiducial-light-sensor logical 0
TVFOCFOP tv-focus-fiducial-light-source logical 0
TVFOCLCK tv-focus-lock ascii string 0
TVFOCLIM tv-focus-limits enumerated integer 0
TVFOCMOD tv-focus-control-mode enumerated integer 0
TVFOCMSG tv-focus-message ascii string 0
TVFOCNAM tv-focus-named-position ascii string 0
TVFOCORD tv-focus-ordinal-position integer 0
TVFOCRAW tv-focus-raw-position integer 0
TVFOCSPD tv-focus-speed integer 0
TVFOCSTA tv-focus-status enumerated integer 0
TVFOCTOR tv-focus-torque real number 0
TVFOCTRG tv-focus-raw-position-target integer 0
TVFOCTSP tv-focus-speed-target integer 0
TVFOCVAL tv-focus-value real number 0
TVFOCVEL tv-focus-velocity real number 0
TVFOCVRB tv-focus-verbose-messages logical 0
UTB15VEN ccd-15-volts-enable logical CCD
UTB30VEN ccd-30-volts-enable logical CCD
UTBFANS ccd-controller-fans logical CCD
UTBM15V ccd-minus-15-volts real number CCD
UTBM15VM ccd-minus-15-volts-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBM15VR ccd-minus-15-volts-raw integer CCD
UTBN2FIL ccd-liquid-n2-pressure-valve logical CCD
UTBN2HTR ccd-liquid-n2-reservoir-heater logical CCD
UTBP15V ccd-plus-15-volts real number CCD
UTBP15VM ccd-plus-15-volts-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBP15VR ccd-plus-15-volts-raw integer CCD
UTBP30V ccd-plus-30-volts real number CCD
UTBP30VM ccd-plus-30-volts-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBP30VR ccd-plus-30-volts-raw integer CCD
UTBP5V ccd-plus-5-volts real number CCD
UTBP5VM ccd-plus-5-volts-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBP5VR ccd-plus-5-volts-raw integer CCD
UTBTEMP ccd-utility-board-temperature real number CCD
UTBTEMPM ccd-utility-board-temperature-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBTEMPR ccd-utility-board-temperature-raw integer CCD
UTBTMPS ccd-desired-utility-board-temperature real number CCD
UTBTMPSM ccd-desired-utility-board-temperature-map array of real numbers[5] CCD
UTBTMPSR ccd-desired-utility-board-temperature-raw integer CCD
VOFFSET0 video-offset-amplifier-0 integer CCD
VOFFSET1 video-offset-amplifier-1 integer CCD
VOFFSET2 video-offset-amplifier-2 integer CCD
VOFFSET3 video-offset-amplifier-3 integer CCD
WCRATE writing-crate-memory logical CCD
WDISK writing-disk logical CCD
WINDOW window array of integers[5] CCD
XFLIP camera-x-flip logical CCD

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