MAKEE: User Object Position ("uop") Files

The "uop=" option in MAKEE allows users to specify the object and background spatial limits for extraction. If you refer to one of the "" output file ( example here ) you will see the default object and background limits defined by dotted lines. With "uop=" you can change these limits.

To use "uop=", create an ASCII file (e.g. "esi0045.uop") and include "uop=(filename)" (e.g. "uop=esi0045.uop") on the MAKEE command line. The file contains declarations for the order number ("o="), the object center ("c="), the half-width for the extraction centered on the object center ("h=") and the background limits ("b=") (only two background ranges may be specified). MAKEE will start with its defaults values, and the values you include in your ".uop" file will override these values. So you can change the limits for one or more of the echelle orders.

The units for all values are pixels relative to the echelle trace (usually defined by a bright star exposure). These units are shown in the plot. You can also look at the profiles-###.fits data files. Use xplot to view these files (e.g. "xplot profiles-045.fits row=1").

The "uop=" option can be used when the default centers and half-widths fail to give adequate values, or when you have more than one object on the slit, or if you want to extract only a specific portion of the slit.

Examples of ".uop" files
o=5 c=-1.5 h=6
The example above will use all the default values for all orders except for order #5 for which MAKEE will extract the object centered on pixel -1.5 (relative to star trace) with a half-width of 6 pixels (full extraction width is 12 pixels). Note that order numbers start with the bluest order (#1) and increment up to the reddest order (for ESI this means that the "true" echelle order given in the ESI manual equals 16-(MAKEE order#)). In the above example, no background limits were specified-- the background limits will be adjacent to the new object limits.

If no "o=" is given in the file, then all orders apply.

c=2.2 h=7.5
The above example will extract all echelle orders with the object centered on pixel 2.2 and a half-width of 7.5 pixels.
c=2.2 h=7.5
o=3 c=1.1 h=4
The above example will extract all echelle orders with the object centered on pixel 2.2 and a half-width of 7.5 pixels, except for order #3 which will extracted at center 1.1 and half-width 4.
o=3 c=3 h=7
o=4 c=3.1 h=8
o=7 c=-0.8 h=5
The above example will use the default values for all orders except for orders 3, 4, and 7.
o=9 c=1 h=6 b=-12.1,-6.2 b=7.5,10.1
The above example will use the default values for all orders except for order 9 which will extract at center 1.0, half-width 6.0 and with two background limits: one from -12.1 to -6.2 and the other from 7.5 to 10.1. MAKEE will not complain if the background limits overlap the object width, so be sure to select your backgrounds carefully.

Note that the object position will shift relative to the star trace as a function of order number due to atmospheric refraction. So you will probably need to shift your object centers with order also, unless you have a trace star at close to same the airmass (or you use the object itself as a trace star).

After running MAKEE, check the to make sure that your desired object limits were used for the extraction. Note that you can run MAKEE with the "-nox" option, which will run MAKEE to the "profiles" stage and then abort, prior to the actual extraction.

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