Version 10.0 (Post-1st Science run)
January 4, 2000

Post-Engineering Run #3 punchlist items

Note: items marked ** are highest priority to fix, since they impact observing


A. Non-software items:

   5. Intermittent (and possibly spurious) readings of low	    unresolved
      voltage from Renishaw quality signals from the three
      stages, even when wheels are parked.  Suspect that
      Renishaw quality signals are OK, but that there is
      a marginal connection (e.g., incompletely seated pin
      in connector) to the analog board and/or Galil
      controller that monitor them.

      4 Jan. 2000 update: The dewar filter wheel (DWFILREN)
      seems to be the worst of the three in terms of these
      dropouts.  They have gotten so bad that we have turned
      off the pop-up alarms in the GUI for this keyword.

 **6. Hatch occasionally failed to open or close in a timely	    fixed?
      manner at various times during all 3 engineering runs.
      Usually, rotating to a different instrument PA provided
      a work-around, but this still causes some lost observing

      The procedure for freeing a stuck hatch has been documented.
      In December 1999 we found a bad seal on the cylinder.  The
      cylinder was replaced, and new, more robust cylinders placed
      on order.  Twenty cycles of the hatch showed no problems.
      Air pressure is currently set to ~110 psi.

   9. Collimator actuator #1 exhibits somewhat higher backlash	    unresolved
      than the other two collimator actuators.  This may bear
      some relationship to item #13, or it may be totally

  10. Multi-filter trays are extremely difficult to remove once	    pending
      inserted into any of the three wheels.  Need to design and
      fabricate a fixture to allow easier removal.

**11. Several ESI ion pump controllers have failed due to the	    monitor
      same capacitor going bad.  Need to see whether most
      recent ion pump controller replacement has solved this

      4 January 2000 update:
      So far so good.  The current ion pump seems to be working 
  12. CCD shutter often fails to open sufficiently fast		    monitor 
      following long periods of inactivity.  Problem appears
      to clear once shutter is exercised once or twice.

**13. CCD readout suffers from low-level fixed-pattern readout	    pending
      noise whenever the instrument is positioned (relative to
      gravity) so that collimator actuator #1 is carrying most
      of the weight of the collimator mirror and thus putting
      out relatively high levels of torque.  Suspect inductive
      coupling between motor controller cable to actuator #1
      and the high voltage cable to the ion pump.  Need to
      re-route the HV cable to ion pump so that it is not in
      proximity to any motor control cables.  This problem
      might also bear some relationship to item #9, or it may
      be totally unrelated.

  14. Spectral lines are tilted by 1.4 pixels along their length.   pending
      Need to rotate CCD dewar by corresponding amount so that
      spectral lines will be aligned with the row/cols of CCD.
      Dewar rotation scheduled prior to February ESI run.

  15. Full complement of filter/mask trays has not been		    pending
      completely machined.  Full complement of longslit masks
      has not been machined.  Need better mask material?

  16. Snout/baffle needs final alignment plus documentation of	    pending
      alignment procedure if imaging needed for 12/28/99 run.
      Otherwise, this item will be resolved as soon as CARA
      baffles the tertiary tower, as they have agreed to do.

B. CCD sub-system software items: (Kibrick)

   1. watch_ccd: compute SYNOPSIS from SYNOPFMT and re-write	   pending
      SYNOPSIS at end of exposure

   2. watch_ccd: if OBJECT="" at exposure end, then in the	   pending
      FITS header set OBJECT= ($TARGNAME) where $TARGNAME
      is the current value of the DCS TARGNAME keyword

   3. lickserv: test removing the unlink to see if this solves	   pending
      the problem with trying to overwrite a file that you
      don't own

   4. Fix lickserv so that it never overwrites existing files?	   pending

   5. Suspect that a race condition exists if an ABORT occurs	   pending
      too close to the end of an exposure such that it happens
      in the interval between EXPOSIP going false and WCRATE
      going true.  In that case, the ABORT is seen by watch_ccd
      but ignored by rccd, so the header gets deleted but the
      image still reads out and is written with partial header.

      29 December 1999 update:
      May have been fixed with updates to the CCD VME software.
      This problem is rare enough that we are not closing it out

   6. The rccd process on the VME crate gets into a confused 	   pending
      state if the observer brings up a dashboard and attempts
      to read out an image without first having started up
      lickserv.  If this happens, the CCD VME crate needs to
      get rebooted and WCRATE set false to clear the problem.

      This problem should be clearly noted in the ESI Engineering
      Notes, the User Manual, and the ESI Quick Start.

C. Motion control sub-system software items: (Tucker/Burrous)

   2. Can't get to position "5C" on the slit mask wheel.	   pending
      The software limits for this stage may be overly
      restrictive and need to be checked.

   3. Reconcile lamp keyword names with hardware reality	   deferred

   4. Reconcile temperature keyword names with hardware reality	   deferred

   5. Need to set negative gain for AIRPWPSI air pressure	   pending
      sensor added by CARA to compensate for inverted wiring.

   6. Fix the dispatcher so that it doesn't send second-level	   pending
      move completion messages in the case of motions initiated
      with the KTL NOWAIT option.

D. ESI GUI items: (Clarke)

  11. Need to reconcile conflicting requests from Goodrich,	   partial fix
      Bolte, and Miller regarding setting of CCD window.
      Goodrich has requested separate buttons on CCD panel to
      select full-frame readout .vs. imaging mode window .vs.
      low-dispersion window.  Bolte has suggested that WINDOW
      be set to an appropriate value whenever ESIMODE is 
      changed.  Miller says to simply do this via setups.
      Partial fix is to provide the "Quick Frame" button.

  14. Consider re-enabling MOVE button when exposures are	   consider
      paused, so as to allow interactive focus-move
      exposures (i.e., exposures where telescope is moved
      and focus adjusted within the same exposure).
      Need to consider risk of observer's accidentally
      initiated a move when not intended.
  15. If dashboard is running on the same machine as lickserv,	   pending
      (e.g., kanaha), at start of exposure scan the OUTDIR
      directory for files whose names begin with the value of
      the OUTFILE keyword and determine the highest frame
      number that is currently written in that directory.  If
      FRAMENO is less than or equal to the value, pop up a
      warning box.

  18. Provide a new hook to the alarm mechanism that is		   pending
      triggered when a keyword is about to be written with 
      a new value (but before the write occurs).  This would
      allows us to check changes to TTIME that result from the
      UPDATE CCD button being hit.  In this way, if TTIME were
      set <= ELAPTIME during an exposure and the UpdateCCD
      button was then pressed, we could PAUSE the exposure
      and pop-up a confirm box (as we do for the STOP button).

      Alternatively, a simpler compromise solution would be
      to simply pop-up a warning whenever desired_TTIME was
      set to less than ELAPTIME and an exposure was currently
      in progress.  The pop-up would warn the user that 
      hitting the UpdateCCD button would result in premature
      termination of the exposure currently in progress.

      4 January 2000:
      The pop-up warning suggested in the second half of the
      description above has been implemented.

  21. Should we be designing and implementing a GUI set-up	   consider
      editor?  If not, need to provide some mechanism for
      adding non-standard keywords to a set up.  Perhaps
      consider having the dashboard pop-up an editor
      session (e.g., vi) to allow the user to manually
      edit a setup selected from within the GUI?
  23. In order to properly reflect the order in which incoming	   deferred
      photons hit the various elements within ESI, the
      collimator icon should appear before (i.e., to the left
      of) the ESI mode icon.

  25. Under conditions of long latency and/or high packet loss	   pending
      between the GUI and the instrument (e.g., when running
      the GUI locally in California), the dashboard can lose
      contact with the back end (yet not close its traffic
      connection).  It ends up in a strange state where it
      can do no KTL I/O operations, yet it is still alive.
      The visible symptom is that the heartbeats stop and
      you get error misleading error pop-ups, because the
      back end is really still running.

  26. Certain bogus hatch conditions can leave the hatch	   pending
      pushbutton stranded outside the hatch rectangle.  We
      have not been able to reproduce this, and await a more
      precise description of the conditions that result in
      this problem.

  27. We need to come up with a better way of handling the	   pending
      default values that are set whenever the observer
      changes spectrograph.  Currently, we have values from
      namespace (e.g., Clear_I) that are hard-coded into the
      GUI logic, but those values can be changed whenever
      inconfig is run to reconfigure the contents of the
      wheels.  If the OA changes these names, then the GUI
      code breaks.  Perhaps this functionality needs to be
      implemented via some alarms logic that is abstracted
      into the database.  This is really part of a larger
      problem of abstracting expert knowledge regarding
      the characteristics of the removable elements currently
      contained in the wheels.

  28. The dial gauges don't have adequate labeling, so the	   pending
      tick marks aren't particularly useful.  These are
      "canned" widgets we got for free.  To make them more
      informative we either need to re-write their C code
      or adopt a variant improved version from Hobbs.

  29. Non-repeatable behavior is observed within the CCD detail    pending
      grid widget, with the behavior changing from one invocation
      of the GUI to another.  Sometimes this widget erroneously
      highlights fields when desired == actual (and also
      propagates this erroneous state to upper level buttons),
      sometimes it fails to highlight fields when desired !=
      actual, and sometimes it displays unexpected values
      (e.g., blank text) in the desired field.  Suspect that
      non-repeatability may be a function of the timing of
      asynchronous events (e.g., X events and/or broadcasts
      of ESI keywords) that occur during GUI startup.  Similar
      problems have been observed with the User Config detail
      panel.  When the dashboard is run remotely from California,
      both problems are likely aggravated by the delays and packet
      loss associated with the trans-Pacific cable.  Due to the
      long time required to start up the GUI when running
      remotely, this is a difficult and time consuming problem
      to troubleshoot.  Instrumenting the GUI to keep track of
      nesting depth might shed some light on the problem.  The
      extent to which this problem is apparent when running the
      GUI from Waimea is not currently known, and needs to be

E. Electrolog for ESI items: (Deich)

   2. Fix spurious error messages about DCS keywords		   pending

F. Global software items: (Allen)

   4. Preserve the existing hand-crafted /vx on koki, then	   pending
      replace with a cleanly built /vx checked out from

G. Software test suite / telemetry items : (Clarke)

   1. Need to resolve ktl_watch restart strategy		   pending

   2. Possible changes to collimator backlash tests to better	   pending
      characterize the anomalous behavior of collimator 1

   3. Ktest suite needs to be revised so that it adjusts its	   pending
      tests of ordinal positions in response to the dynamic
      configurations in .../dyna/mapRON.cfg

   4. Make ktlwatch logging less verbose so it doesn't eat so	   pending
      much disk space on kanaha

H. Hardware/software integration testing:  (Kibrick/Goodrich)

  3. Double-check centering of wheel positions			    pending

I. Software items requiring collaboration/joint solution with CARA

  1. Fix the hostnames on the ESI private network.   		    pending
     Currently, on the private net, kanaha is still, koki is still, 
     and the VME crate is still   Although
     there is no great harm in this (since the private net is not
     advertised via DNS), it is likely to confuse everyone in the
     future.  Requires changing VME crate EEROM to fix this.
     (Kibrick / CARA)

  2. koki and kanaha can send e-mail but they can't receive it	    defer

**3. Eliminate cross-mount dependencies so that koki and 	    pending
     kanaha don't routinely mount other CARA machines, such
     as pelekane. (CARA)

  4. OA's and instrument scientists need a simple method            pending
     (Openwin pulldown?) for tailing relevant log files
     (e.g., trafficlog, dispatcher logs, etc.) on koki
     but without having to log into koki.  Set up some
     menu items which ssh the tails from the local machine
     at which the OA or IS is sitting.
     (Allen / CARA)

  6. Need to find a way to make the boot-disk-mirroring script	    pending
     sufficiently robust so that it can be run as a cron job
     (Kibrick / CARA)

 10. Get Lupton's official version of tkrose installed on	    pending
     kanaha.  Tkrose currently installed on kanaha has been
     slightly hacked by De to get it to work.
     (Clarke / CARA)

 11. Installation and configuration of tklogger on kanaha to	    pending
     monitor conditions such as disk full, etc.  (Kibrick /
     Goodrich/ E. Chock)

 12. Fix .openwin-menu files for esi, esiN, and esieng accounts	    pending
     so that esicon is invoked on kanaha via ssh1 rather than
     ssh. (CARA)

 13. Fix MALIGN scripts so that the don't set PREPIX=0.  Rather,    pending
     they should set KEEPPREP=false.  Also make sure MALIGN
     scripts don't leave inappropriate values set if they are
     aborted. (Goodrich)

 14. Need to get a better mechanism for eliminating processes	    pending
     left over from previous users.  Need clarification from
     CARA re: the goals and purposes of the esiN accounts so
     we know how these accounts are intended to interact.  This
     was an action item to CARA at the 12/8/1999 SCC meeting.
     (Allen / CARA)

 15. Update ESI standard instrument setups to reflect most 	    done
     recent name change for the clear positions (e.g.,
     change "Clear_(I)" to "Clear_I", "Clear_(S)" to 

 16. Fix DCS terminal server (tserver4) configuration so that	    pending
     it doesn't inhibit ESI CCD VME crate from rebooting.
     (E. Chock)

J. Flexure compensation software: (Kibrick)

 **2. User interface for steering spectra via collimator tilts 	    in progress

   3. Echellette spectrum re-centering via image centroids  	    deferred

   4. Need to implement wrapper script around esicon so that	    done
      it survives restarts of the DCS or ESI software.

K. Figdisp wishlist items: (Allen)

   3. Via a command line argument and/or X resource, select an	    consider
      alternate method for defining the "stats box".  If enabled,
      instead of using left mouse click to mark upper-left and
      right-mouse click to mark lower-right, hold down the left
      mouse button and do a rubber-banded drag to define the box.
      If the new command line argument and/or X resource is not
      specified, the existing mouse button behavior would be

   4. Provide a method for setting the CCD readout window by	     pending
      marking a box on the figdisp bit map graphics window.
      Possibly combine this option with item 3 so that the
      right mouse button is used to request setting the readout
      window (to be confirmed via a pop-up?).

   5. Provide a method for displaying the current readout window     pending
      within the full CCD.  (Currently, we do not have any
      graphic window which always displays the full CCD, so this
      might require yet another window.  Alternatively, perhaps
      the LOC window could be changed so that it always shows
      the full CCD, and then uses two different colored outlines
      (e.g., red and green) to indicate the current readout window
      versus the current pan/zoom window.

   7. Provide a function for mapping figdisp cursor position	     pending
      into an echelle order (if appropriate) and wavelength.

   8. Review key mappings for figdisp and reassign then from	     pending
      L?, R?, and other Sun-specific keywboard function keys
      to the universally-available and currently unused
      alphabet keys.


Software Punchlist items carried over from June 16, 1999 punchlist

Status as of Dec 13, 1999:

Note: items marked ** are URGENT to fix, since they impact observing


A. Non-software items:

   4. Temperature sensor readings corrupted when motors are run	    not fixed

B. CCD sub-system software items:

   3. Bogus TEMPDET values if traffic and/or infoman down (Kibrick)  pending

C. Motion control sub-system software items:

   6. Full KTL notification if commanded to current pos'n (Tucker)   defer

   7. Fix motion hangs due to switch in/out of JOG mode (Tucker)     defer

   8. Can't reach ordinal position 0 on shuttle stages (Burrous)     defer

  13. Uncomment AIRALARM test routine in Galil firmware (Burrous)    defer

D. ESI GUI items:

  20. Clean up codegen error messages (Clarke)			    cosmetic

E. ESI Log items:

F. Global software items:

G. Software test suite items:

  6. Fix tolerance for "near" test within LDFLT limits check test   pending
     (see e-mail from Kibrick dated: Tue, 25 May 1999 15:13:46

H. Hardware/software integration testing:  (Clarke/Burrous/Tucker)

I. Software items requiring collaboration/joint solution with CARA

   1. ktl_close fails to tag address as stale  (Allen/Chock/Lupton) pending

   3. Memory leaks in ktl_dispatch (Allen/Chock/Lupton)		    pending


Software Punchlist items carried over from February 5, 1999 punchlist

Status as of December 15, 1999:


A. Non-software items:

   6. Dewar contamination	(Stover/Brown/Wei/Kibrick)	    resolved???

B. CCD sub-system software items:

  10. Make XFLIP usage consistent with LRIS  (Kibrick/Allen)	    pending

C. Motion control sub-system software items:
    No items carried forward

D. ESI GUI issues

    No items carried forward
