ESI, Rotator "Maytag" Mode

This mode is difficult to diagnose through software, as the rotator will initialize properly and seem to be working fine, but an audio check will reveal that it is continually moving. A visual check reveals that it is rapidly oscillating back and forth like a washing machine's agitator (hence the name "Maytag mode").

To Fix:

  • Initialize the rotator and put it into standby.
  • Type "~k2tel/qfix/setEsi" to load the ESI parameters.
  • Initialize the rotator again.


DCS v3.2h is a "temporary" hack in which the software half recognizes ESI and half thinks that it is the LRIS rotator. The "setEsi" command overwrites the incorrect LRIS parameters with the correct ESI parameters. It then requires a standby/init to implement all of those parameters.

This "setEsi" followed by a standby/init needs to be done every time ESI is selected as the instrument.

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