Resetting the Galil Controllers

In some circumstances you may need to reset a Galil controller. For example, you may be able to read keywords, but not change them.

The list of Galil axes will help you determine which Galil controller is involved. As of this writing (2004 March 2) Galil 1 controls the large optics: the prism, imaging flat, and low-D flat. Galil 0 controls the other stages.

  • rlogin koki -l esieng

  • for Galil 0:

    esi stop dispatcher2.0
    telnet 2001

  • for Galil 1:

    esi stop dispatcher2.1
    telnet 2003

  • Hit until you get a colon prompt (:)

  • RS

  • wait until you see ":arriba!" before proceeding

  • Ctrl-] (to close the telnet connection)

  • quit (to get out of telnet)

  • for Galil 0:

    esi start dispatcher2.0

  • for Galil 1:

    esi start dispatcher2.1

  • retry your motor moves or other ESI commands

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