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Last modified: Tue Feb 11 09:59:04 2003.
NAME: esi_addtwo Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Combines two flats, rejecting Cosmic Rays CALLING SEQUENCE: img = esi_addtwo(esi, indx, VAR=var) INPUTS: esi indx RETURNS: img - Combine image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: VAR - Variance COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: img = esi_addtwo(esi, indx) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_ar Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads in the first file in the directory with 'esi*fits' CALLING SEQUENCE: esi = esi_ar(file) INPUTS: [file] - Filename (default: first file in list ./esi_*fits*) RETURNS: esi - ESI structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi = esi_ar() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_delfin Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Deletes Final images CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_delfin, esi, indx INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Index numbers of frames to delete RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_delfin, esi, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_delov Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Deletes OV images CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_delov, esi, indx INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Index numbers of frames to delete RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_delov, esi, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_echaddtwo Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Combines two flats, rejecting Cosmic Rays Assumes images have nearly the same exposure time CALLING SEQUENCE: img = esi_echaddtwo(esi, indx, VAR=var) INPUTS: esi indx RETURNS: img - Combine image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: VAR - Variance COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: img = esi_echaddtwo(esi, indx) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echbadpix Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Set bad pixels to 0 CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echbadpix, img INPUTS: img - 2D IMG array RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Full image with badpixels suppressed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Only set for 1x1 binning for now EXAMPLES: esi_echbadpix, img PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echcoaddfin Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combine the individual 1D spectra from each order to create 1 continuous spectrum. The code attempts to match flux at the order ends and it is recommended that you have fluxed the obj prior to this step. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echcoaddfin, esi, obj_id, CRVAL1=, CDELT=, NPIX=, /STD INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One flux and one error array in 1D OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORDRS= - Orders to coadd (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: tst_coadd, esi, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Oct-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Spec//
NAME: esi_echcombarc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process arc file CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echcombarc, esi, slit INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echcombarc, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_echcombimg Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process a data frame CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echcombimg, esi, indx, /DFLAT, /REDDOV INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Index values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fully combimgessed image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echcombimg, esi, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echcombspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines multiple exposures of the same obj Must be run even on an object with a single exposure CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echcombspec, esi, obj_id, exp_id INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: echfspec - ESI fspec structure (fits file; FSpec/name_ech.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT - No text output LIST= - Use an input list to combine (required for multiple night obs). Output is in 'FSpec/tmp_ech.fits'. OBJ_NM= - Name of object in slit (a = science) /STD - Run on a standard star OUTNM= - Alternative output name for FSpec file ORDRS= - Orders to combine (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echcombspec, esi, obj_id, exp_id PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Spec//
NAME: esi_echcopyfnd Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Finds all objects and traces them CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echcopyfnd, esi, obj_id INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FLAT - Flat file BIAS - Bias frame OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echcopyfnd, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Obj//
NAME: esi_echextobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract flux from 2D image to create ten 1D spectra (1 per order) Output is written to the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_esi0024.fits) The code only does boxcar extraction for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echextobj, esi, obj_id, [exp], /DEBUG, /CHK, /STD, APER=, RADIUS= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff APER= - Set aperture by hand (e.g. [5., 7.] ) RADIUS= - Size of window for setting aperture size (default: 20L) ORDRS= - Orders to extract (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: 1) The program begins extracting in order 9L (physical 6) and will automatically calculate an aperture for that order. If there is insufficient flux in the following orders, it will adopt the value from the next higher order. EXAMPLES: esi_echextobj, esi, 1L, [0L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Obj//
NAME: esi_echfitarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: 1) Take the arc image from esi_echmkarc 2) Extract 1D spectra (1 per order) 3) Determine pixel offset from archived fit 4) Automatically identify a set of lines 5) Create a fit to these lines, identify all lines and fit again 6) Write arc solutions (one per order) to a fits file CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echfitarc, esi, slit, /INTER, LINLIST=, /CHK, /CLOBBER, SIGREJ=, /DEBUG, ORDRS=, PIXSHFT=, /PINTER INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: IDL fit file (one per order) (e.g. Arcs/ArcECH_##fit.idl) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PINTER - Perform fit only for the pre-identified lines (recommended) /INTER - Identify lines interactively and then fit LINLIST= - Arc line list (default: $XIDL_DIR/Spec/Arcs/Lists/ESI_ech.lst) GUESSARC= - Initial guess for wavelength solution (default: $XIDL_DIR/ESI/CALIBS/ESI_arcfit.idl) /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - More intensive checking ORDRS= - Only fit select orders (default: [0L,9L] ) PIXSHFT= - Manually set pixel shift from calib file (deafult: Let the program determine this using FFT formalism) SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits /CUAR - CuAr lamps only! OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: There is some fine tuning in a couple of orders to help with the fits. Only setup for 1x1 binning right now EXAMPLES: esi_echfitarc, esi, 0.5, /CHK, /PINTER, /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 21-Aug-2002 Streamlined + Added ps output 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_echfltsct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Subtracts a scattered light model from the flat Normalizes the Image and Outputs to same file with updated headers CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echfltsct, esi, /IFLAT, GAIN_RTO=, /CHK INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with scattered light removed (e.g. Flats/FlatECH##_D[I].fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /IFLAT - Use internal flats GAIN_RTO= - Value for gain ratio for two amp mode (default: calculate from image) /CHK - Display final image and a few other steps MINWID= - Minimum width between orders for measuring scattered light /PINH - Indicates pinhole slit (used in early 2000) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Only set for 1x1 binning -- Many 'hard wired' numbers EXAMPLES: esi_echfltsct, esi, 0.75, /CHK PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Flat//
NAME: esi_echflux Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Fluxes esi data. Puts in flambda units by default CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echflux, esi, obj_id, [exp_id] INPUTS: esi - WFCCD structure obj_id - WFCCD structure [exp_id] - WFCCD structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echflux, esi, obj_id, exp_id PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Spec//
NAME: esi_echfluxfin Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Fluxes the spectrum using a standard star calibration. Default is to use the one in CALIBS which is probably good enough for relative fluxing. Definitely not good enough for absolute. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echfluxfin, esi, obj_id, [fluxfil], /CLOBBER, OBJ_NM=, /STD INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [fluxfil] - File name of standard star for fluxing (default: $XIDL_DIR/ESI/CALIBS/ECH_FLUX_050.fits) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORDRS= - Orders to flux (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echfluxfin, esi, obj_id, /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Oct-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Spec//
NAME: esi_echfndobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds all objects and traces them CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echfndobj, esi, obj_id, [exp], REFWV=, SCICLM=, REFORDR=, /INTER, /STD, /CHK, MAXOFF=, /NOCLOB INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Find object for standard star /CHK - Show overall trace FITFIL= - Map of pinholes (default: Maps/hole_fit.idl ) REFWV= - Reference wavelength region (default: [5600., 5610.] ) REFORDR= - Reference order (default: 4L) /INTER - Interactively identify objects and set apertures (recommended) MAXOFF= - Minimum offset between max obj and center of slit (default: 20.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echfndobj, esi, 0L, [0L, 1L], /CHK, /INTER, REFWV=[6500., 6520.], REFORDR=5L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Obj//
NAME: esi_echgettrc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Subtracts a gettrcered light model from the data Outputs to the same image (usually OV/ov_esi####.fits) CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echgettrc, esi, /DFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with gettrcered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echgettrc, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Map//
NAME: esi_echmkaimg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a wavelength image given the arc trace CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echmkaimg, esi, slit, TRCSTR=, NX=, NY=, /CHK INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One wavelength map for the given slit size (e.g. Arcs/Arc/ECH_##IMG.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Manually check steps along the way TRCSTR= - Trace structure for fitting NX, NY= - Order of x,y 2D poly fit (default: 9,3) /CUAR - CuAr lamps only! OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Only setup for 1x1 binning (some hard numbers) Zeros out image for rows [0-1500] in order 15; [2170-end] in order6 EXAMPLES: esi_echmkaimg, esi, 1.0, /CHK PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_echmkarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process and combine arc files CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echmkarc, esi, slit, /CLOBBER INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One processed, combined Arc Image (e.g. Arcs/Arc_ECH##.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite exisiting arc image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echmkarc, esi, 0.5 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_echmkflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identifies flats, processes them. Creates one flat file per slit width. Takes Dome flats as the default CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echmkflat, esi, /IFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure [slit] - Slit size (e.g. 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /IFLAT - Use internal flats /REDOOV - Overwrite OV files if they exist for the flats /SVOV - Save the OV files created during this step OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Only set for 1x1 binning EXAMPLES: esi_echmkflat, esi, 1.0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Flat//
NAME: esi_echmkmap Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process arc file CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echmkmap, esi, slit INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echmkmap, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Map//
NAME: esi_echmksky Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Create a Sky array from the sky fits CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echmksky, esi, obj_id INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FLAT - Flat file BIAS - Bias frame OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echmksky, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Nov-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Skysub//
NAME: esi_echobjcr Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Flags CRs given 2 or more object images CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echobjcr, esi, obj_id INPUTS: struct -- esi_echstrct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: flat - fits file in the dir Flats named 'Flat_##.fits' where ## is the mask_id value VAR - Variance in the flat (in electrons) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SVOV - save ov files NOFITS - No FITS output OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echobjcr, esi, 0L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 06-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Obj//
NAME: esi_echproc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process a data frame CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echproc, esi, indx, /IFLAT, /REDDOV INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Index values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fully processed image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SVOV - Save OV files /REDOOV - Redo OV subtraction /CLOBBER - Clobber existing image /SUBSCAT - Subtract scattered light from data image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echproc, esi, [20L], /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echpskysub Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Sky Subtract image CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echpskysub, esi, obj_id INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FLAT - Flat file BIAS - Bias frame OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echpskysub, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Skysub//
NAME: esi_echrdxstd Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Trace a standard star in each ordrer CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echrdxstd, esi, /DFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with rdxstdered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echrdxstd, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Dec-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Std//
NAME: esi_echsetup Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of ESI spectroscopic images CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echsetup, esi INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: esi -- ESI structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echsetup, esi, OUTFIL= PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echskysub Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Sky Subtract image CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echskysub, esi, obj_id INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FLAT - Flat file BIAS - Bias frame OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echskysub, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 10-Oct-2002 Revised: Saving bset + allows single order redo
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Skysub//
NAME: esi_echskysub Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sky Subtract image and add sky subtracted frame to the final image (e.g. Final/f_esi0020.fits). The program also outputs information related to the sky fit in the Sky directory. The user has control over which order to subtract (ORDR=), the wavelength image to use (AIMG=) and can input a break point file for detailed sky line subtraction (SKLFIL=). CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echskysub, esi, obj_id, [exp], /CHK, /STD, ORDR=, /NOVAC, SKLFIL=, BORDR=, AIMG= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Sky subtract standard star /CHK - Show steps along the way AIMG= - Use alternate Wavelength map for sky subtraction (string filename) ORDR= - Sky subtract a single order only (e.g. 5L) /NOVAC - Do not perform vacuum wavelength correction BORDR= - Order to begin bspline fitting (default: 5L) SKLFIL= - ASCII file setting breakpoints around sky lines (string) /CLOBBER - Overwrite any previos sky image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echskysub, esi, 1L, [0L], /CHK, ORDR=7L {Sky sub exposure 0 and order 7 only} PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 10-Oct-2002 Revised: Saving bset + allows single order redo 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Skysub//
NAME: esi_echspecplt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Plots any array interactively CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echspecplt, ydat, [head], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, LLIST=, QAL=, ERR=, /GAL INPUTS: ydat - Values [head] - Header RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave - wavelength array ERR - Error array (fits or image) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echspecplt, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Spec//
NAME: esi_echsubscat Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Subtracts a scattered light model from the image CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echsubscat, esi, /DFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with scattered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Not well tested EXAMPLES: esi_echsubscat, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/General//
NAME: esi_echtrcarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Takes the arc, creates a fit and traces the lines. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echtrcarc, esi, slit, LINLIST=, /CHK, /AUTO, ORDR= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /AUTO - Perform steps automatically (recommended) ORDR= - Only fit select order [one at a time] /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - More intensive checking LINLIST= - Arc line list (default: $XIDL_DIR/Spec/Arcs/Lists/ESI_ech.lst) GUESSARC= - Initial guess for wavelength solution (default: $XIDL_DIR/ESI/CALIBS/ESI_arcfit.idl) /NO11KLDG - Turn off the kludge in order 11. Only do this if the arc image is very good (long CuAr exposures) PIXSHFT= - Manually set pixel shift from calib file (deafult: Let the program determine this using FFT formalism) PKSIG= - Number of sigma for peaks to use in tracing (default: 7.) /CUAR - CuAr lamps only! /KLUDGE - Force kludging of bottom end OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echtrcarc, esi, 0.5, /CHK, /AUTO PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 21-Aug-2002 Streamlined + ps output 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_echtrcholes Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Traces the pinhole images in each order to create a curvature map useful for data reduction. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echtrcholes, esi, IMG=, XERR=, FITFIL=, FIT=, GDENDS=, HOLEFIL= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fitfil -- Name of IDL fit to pinhole traces (default: Maps/hole_fit.idl) holefil -- Name of combined pinhole image (default: Maps/img_hole.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: IMG -- Name of pinhole image file (default is to combine all pinhole frames) CLOBBER -- Overwrite existing map file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: 1) The current version works only with data taken from April 2000 - present. 2) Only setup for standard 1x1 binning EXAMPLES: esi_echtrcholes, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 01-Feb-2003 Polished by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Map//
NAME: esi_echtrcobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Trace the object through each order of the image. The program uses a standard star as a crutch (/STD) through regions where the object has very low flux. The trace is written into the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_esi0024.fits) CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echtrcobj, esi, obj_id, [exp_id], /STD, /FAINT, /CHK, NCOLL= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Use standard star as a crutch /FAINT - Faint object; sum up more rows (40) to search for flux NCOLL= - Set number of rows to sum by hand (default: 25) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echtrcobj, esi, 1L, [0L], /CHK, /STD PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Obj//
NAME: esi_echtrcstd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Trace a standard star in each ordrer CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echtrcstd, esi, /DFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure slit - Slit width (0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with trcstdered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOFND - Do not repeat step to find object /NOSKY - Do not repeat sky subtraction /CHK - Show the final trace MXERR= - Maximum error in trace centering to include (default: 0.3 pix) OFF= - Offset used in find object routine /CUAR - Data has only CuAr lamps OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Only setup for 1x1 binning (some hard numbers) EXAMPLES: esi_echtrcstd, esi, 1.0, /CHK PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Std//
NAME: esi_echupdatrc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Takes the arc, creates a fit and traces the lines. CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_echupdatrc, esi, slit, /DFLAT INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echupdatrc, esi, slit PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/ECH/Arcs//
NAME: esi_editstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a gui to edit the ESI structure CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_editstrct, esi INPUTS: esi -- ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_editstrct, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_mkzero Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create bias frames from zero exposures Default is to create both IMG and SPEC bias frames CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_mkzero, esi, /NOSPEC, /NOIMG, MMEM= INPUTS: esi - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates bias frames in 'Bias/BiasS.fits' and 'Bias/BiasI.fits' for spectroscopy and imaging respectively OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOSPEC -- Dont create spectroscopy bias /NOIMG -- Dont create image bias MMEM= -- Maximum memory to use in combining zero flats OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_mkzero, esi, /NOIMG PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_slitnm Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process an image (bias subtract + flatten) WARNING! Assumes 1 bias and 1 flat for all images CALLING SEQUENCE: nm = esi_slitnm( slit ) INPUTS: slit - Slit size RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: nm = esi_slitnm( slit ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_strct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of ESI frames This structure organizes the data for the night and is used to run most of the programs in the ESI package CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_strct, struct, LIST=, /MKDIR, /NOFILE, OUTFIL=, /NOEDIT INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct - IDL structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST - Image list: e.g. 'gd_files.lst' Default is 'Raw/esi*.fits' MKDIR - Make directories NOEDIT - Do not edit the hand OUTFIL - Name of fits output file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_strct, nght1_strct, /MKDIR PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_subbias Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Median combine all ZRO frames (darks) WARNING! Assumes images are all of 1 mode (e.g. IMG, ECH, LWD)!! CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_subbias, esi, indx INPUTS: esi - ESI structure indx - Index numbers of frame to subtract (default output is OV) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BIASFIL= - Name of bias file (default: Bias/BiasS[I].fits) OVROOT= - Root name of OV file (default: OV/ov_ ) /FORCE - Overwrite existing OV files OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Currently only good for 1x1 binning EXAMPLES: esi_subbias, esi, [47L,48L,49L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_updstrct Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of ESI spectroscopic images CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_updstrct, struct, LIST=list, MKDIR=mkdir, NOFILE=nofile, NOLIST=nolist INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct - Creates an IDL structure for direct images - ASCII file summarizing the structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST - Image list MKDIR - Make directories OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_updstrct, nght1_strct, /MKDIR PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See ESI/pro/General//
NAME: esi_wrstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Write the esi structure to a FITS file and write an ASCII summary CALLING SEQUENCE: esi_wrstrct, esi, /ANONLY, OUTFIL=, FITS= INPUTS: esi - An ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ANONLY - Only print files with flg_anly NE 0 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= - Output file (default: esi.list) FITS= - Name of fits output file COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_wrstrct, esi, FITS='esi_13oct02.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See ESI/pro/General//