ESI Commissioning Schedule

Following is a daily schedule for ESI commissioning, as envisioned at the beginning of the commissioning period.

Monday, 26 July 1999


Check ability to manually define ESI module.
Survey ESI module.
Receive first ESI air shipment at Kona airport.
Transport shipment #1 to summit.
Offload shipment #1 into K1 dome.
Meet ESI personnel and have a short briefing.


Survey was not useful except for practice. The bar crossing the center of the ESI module was being held too tightly, and flexed as the rotator was rotated. Redesign will be implemented tomorrow.

RWG, 7/28/99

Tuesday, 27 July 1999


Survey ESI module. (Seerveld, Saloga, Goodrich, Bell)
Move defining points per survey's prescription. (Bell, Crivello, Goodrich)
Unpack ESI crates onto dome floor and into Instrument Lab. (Cowley, Radovan, Lewis, Kanto, Mason, Noe)
Begin main frame assembly. (Cowley, Radovan, Lewis, Kanto, Noe)
Install collimator actuators. (Cowley, Radovan, Lewis, Kanto)


Survey with redesigned bar across module shows little evidence for torsion and hysteresis. Results are a small (~5mm) decenter, and relatively large (10 arcminute) tilt errors. Decision was made to ignore decenter for now, and to keep one of the four defining points out of contact (so that we are only defining using three of the points. The first shimming involves grinding larger slots in the module to allow room for the required motion. We also decided to let the bottom left defining point (DP4 in our nomenclature) float free, and to always adjust so that the bottom right DP (DP3) is zero. Hence we never have to move the lower defining points, which would involve lifting the module on the crane.

RWG, 7/28/99

Wednesday, 28 July 1999


Survey ESI module. (Seerveld, Saloga, Bell)
Adjust module defining points. (Bell, Crivello)
Set up ESI computers. (Jon Chock)
Assemble crane in Instrument Lab. (Radovan)
Arrival of Andy Sheinis and Jim Burrous.
Arrival of second air shipment.
Truck shipment #2 to summit. (Sheinis, Burrous, Noe)
Offload shipment #2.
Fabricate new parts for cable wrap to minimize interference with mirror support structure. (Lewis, Kanto)
Install optics in OSS (except camera). (Cowley, Radovan)


Air shipment #2 was bumped from its United flight, and did not leave San Francisco. Survey of module delayed due to work on MIRLIN problem with chopper and NIRSPEC move from LNas to RNas, but analysis indicates the module was shimmed the wrong direction yesterday. Jon Chock has ESI computers up and running.

RWG, 7/29/99

Thursday, 29 July 1999


Adjust defining points. (Bell, Crivello)
Continue survey of module. (Seerveld, Saloga, Bell)
Pick up shipment #2 at Kona airport. (Sheinis, Noe)
Offload shipment #2.
Unpack shipment #2. (Cowley, Sheinis)
Align collimator actuators. (Burrous)
Power motors and check OSS stages. (Burrous)
Finish cable wrap modifications. (Lewis, Kanto)


Surveys giving conflicting and ambiguous results. Need to do some sanity checks tomorrow.

RWG, 7/29/99

Friday, 30 July 1999


Address problems with survey repeatability. (Seerveld, Bell, Goodrich)
Adjust defining points. (Bell, Felton)
Continue survey of module (last one?). (Seerveld, Saloga, Goodrich, Bell)
Check ESI accounts, automounter, etc. on ESI computers. (EChock)
Start camera assembly. (Sheinis)
Power up all OSS stages. (Burrous)
Install collimator into OSS. (Sheinis)


Still some problems with surveys, but have converged on the correct signs for adjustments, and have determined a precise methodology for the analysis of measurements. Surveys will continue tomorrow.
All camera lens elements inspected and found to be in good shape. ESI crew will work Sunday to get mainframe installed in module. Work on filter wheel done today, accelerating the schedule for that component.

RWG, 7/30/99

Saturday, 31 July 1999


Continue survey. (Seerveld, Saloga, Bell)


Survey completed with final measurements: 100 arcsec off in tilt (within the 120 arcsec ESI request) and 0.5 mm decenter (within the 2 mm ESI request). May do one more tilt adjustment Monday.

Sunday, 1 August 1999


Install mainframe in rotator (accelerated from Monday).
Install cable wrap.
Test fit cable wrap.
Start camera assembly. (Sheinis)
Test TV camera drives. (Burrous) (Bell, Cowley, Radovan)


With just the backend of ESI in the rotator, the module is very unbalanced and would not define readily. Will need to counterweight before reinstalling Monday for collimator alignment.

Monday, 2 August 1999


Shutdown ESI computers and install new electronics rack. (Chin)
Install counterweights on ESI.
Install mainframe in rotator. (Cowley, Radovan)
Start asssembly of OSS.
Install electronics boxes.
Assemble camera to OSS.
Install OSS into mainframe.
Perform fit check including cable wrap.
Continue camera assembly.


Several tasks delayed until after ESI alignment finished. Still a bubble in cell 3, which we will try to get out before assembling the camera further.

Tuesday, 3 August 1999


Continue ESI alignment.
Install filter wheel.
Start preparations for wiring.
Start installation of TV system. (Radovan)
Install cable takeup.
Remove module from telescope.


Succeeded in accurately aligning the collimator to the ESI rotator. Did not have time to set up the theodolite on the telescope optical axis, but did a quick check with just the ESI alignment scope. Did not have time to digest the results, but the f/40 crosshairs looked like they were right where they should have been. (The tertiary tower crosshairs are offset from the telescope axis, so some thought needs to be given to the sign of the observed offset.)

Wednesday, 4 August 1999


Finish installation of TV system. (Radovan)
Move instrument and module to dome floor.
Continue wiring preparations.
Start installation of calibration system.


Removed ESI module from Nasmyth deck to dome floor, placing it on a temporary handler. Finished camera assembly, installed OSS into main frame, and installed camera into OSS. Crew is all set to assemble rest of the instrument on dome floor.

Thursday, 5 August 1999


Continue installation of calibration system.
Continue wiring.


Excellent progress today. Two of three electronics boxes mounted. Received word from Santa Cruz that the ESI dewar and CCD will be arriving Sunday, 8 August, as planned.

Friday, 6 August 1999


Finish installation of calibration system.


Sunday, 8 August 1999


Air shipment #3 arrives with Kibrick and Clarke. Includes final computer (database computer) and possibly dewar with CCD.
Transport shipment #3 to summit.


Monday, 9 August 1999


Wire collimator actuators and test. (Burrous)
Begin optical alignment.
Unpack shipment #3. (Cowley, JChock)
Pump dewar.
Begin dewar cooldown.
Install database computer. (JChock)
Initial internal optical alignment.
Install camera shutter.
Pot front window of ESI.
Finish module plumbing (sometime this week). (Crivello)
Install defining point motors (sometime this week). (Bell, Crivello)
Pin defining points (sometime this week). (Bell, Crivello)


Excellent progress on wiring; only the TV and calibration sources remain to do. Cable wrap modifications still ongoing; should be completed tomorrow. The dewar is on the pump, and cooling should start tomorrow rather than today. Rather than a full-up internal optical alignment, we are instead measuring how far out various components are. Once we get the dewar installed (Wednesday) we will see how the image quality looks, and if it needs any fine tuning. Some CARA tasks above will be done as time and access to the module permit, probably later in the week.

Tuesday, 10 August 1999


Final optical alignment checks. (Sheinis)
Route plumbing and electrical connections on instrument.
Pull fibers from Nasmyth deck to computer room.


Again excellent progress today, including cooldown of dewar and first images taken with CCD. The dewar was mounted on the instrument, and most of the electronics are connected. Computer integration continues at HQ.

Wednesday, 11 August 1999


Connect glycol and test.
Install nose cone.
Install dewar on instrument and confirm communications.
Install front window and hatch.


Alignment work continued today, with more planned for tomorrow. A special fixture to check alignment of the pupil on the grating will be constructed. The calibration system (the "Torpedo") was installed, but some alignment and wiring remains to be done.

Thursday, 12 August 1999


Install remainder of cladding.
Start spectrograph testing on dome floor. (Sheinis, Clarke, Goodrich)
Set up guide camera access from waimanu.


The TV camera was removed for alignment and reinstalled. Power supplies for calibration lamps were wired, and the glycol system was tested. Preparations and measurements for further optical alignment continue.

Friday, 13 August 1999


Continue spectrograph testing. (Sheinis, Clarke, Goodrich)
Radovan, Lewis, and Kanto return to Santa Cruz.
Move module to Nasmyth deck.


The major item was moving the instrument to the Nasmyth deck, which went without a hitch. There is a junction box on the module which needs to get relocated as it interferes with the electronics boxes for ESI. Its disposition will be determined after the e-box covers are installed and the clearance measured. The guide camera was successfully run from waimanu, although we need some jumper fibers to get from various computers to others. The coax was routed back up to the Nasmyth deck, and the first echellette spectra were taken. The echelle pattern fell pretty much in the correct place on the detector, which is encouraging.

Monday, 16 August 1999


Start system integration testing. (Clarke, Sheinis, EChock, Goodrich)
Start servo tuning. (JChin)


Instrument balance was done today, as a preliminary to servo tuning.

Tuesday, 17 August 1999


Continue systems integration testing. (Clarke, EChock)
Continue servo tuning.


Wednesday, 18 August 1999


Install ESI in telescope, check balance, clearances.
  • Keck crew (Bell, Goodrich, ET) leaves HQ early (6 a.m.).
    ESI crew to go to summit with the early Keck crew.
  • Move telescope to horizon, install horizon lock.
  • Move to RT4 position (LRIS).
  • Remove LRIS to deck and cable up.
  • Move to RT3; install ESI in telescope.
  • Remove weight (nominally 200 lbs.) from tertiary tower.
    (Add weight to LRIS module before next LRIS installation.)
  • Install ESI in telescope and define.
  • Add snubber to cable wrap arm.
  • Check Z balance.
  • Check clearance with handrails, platform.
  • Check clearance through yoke.
  • Balance in Y.
  • Time permitting, check behavior of cable wrap as telescope is slewed. Does it oscillate, shake the camera, etc?
  • Remove ESI from telescope.
  • Move to RT1, install transfer module in telescope.
  • Move to RT2, install tertiary mirror.
  • Check Z balance.
  • Check Y balance.
  • Continue with checkout for the night's observing.


Because of an unexpectedly large instrument weight, today's work has been postponed until next Wednesday. Instead, we weighed the LRIS module and the ESI module, and measured the offset of the ESI module's center of gravity from the bearing plane (-2.5 inches). Baffles were all installed and most of the cladding (minus some small pieces), are installed.
The dewar was moved in piston to get it to the nominal focal plane. The collimator was also moved in piston to get the nominal focus to the middle of the adjustable range.

Thursday, 19 August 1999


Survey for position of telescope pupil on grating.
  • Keck crew (Bell, Goodrich, ET) leaves HQ early (5 a.m.).
    ESI crew to summit later if desired.
  • Telescope at horizon, horizon lock in.
  • Move to RT2, remove tertiary mirror from telescope.
  • Move to RT1, remove transfer module.
  • Install bar on tertiary tower rails at vertex of mirror.
  • Remove f/15 secondary.
  • Install f/40 secondary.
    (Probably do not need to cable it up and initialize it.)
  • Install f/40 crosshairs if required.
  • Move to RT3, setup theodolite on optical axis.
  • Set up and align target on bar, so that it is centered on the entrance pupil to the telescope.
  • Remove theodolite and install ESI.
  • Measure deviation of pupil on grating.
  • Adjust collimator support to center pupil.
  • Check pupil alignment.
  • Readjust if necessary, until we run out of time or we get it right!
  • Remove ESI module to deck.
  • Remove bar from rails.
  • Move to RT1, install transfer module.
  • Move to RT2, install tertiary.
  • Remove f/40 secondary.
  • Install f/15 secondary.
  • Continue with normal checkout for night's observing.
Measure and mark cable lengths with ESI at the maintenance position on the Cassegrain platform.
Test ESI connections on the telescope.
Piston dewar to optimal focal position.
Piston collimator to middle of adjustable range.
Add remaining baffles.
Final module wheel adjustment.
Install seismic pins.
Check servo tuning in telescope, time permitting.


Alignment went fairly well, with some glitches. The module defined fairly well except that two of the defining points were interchanged, and two of them moved the wrong direction. A more major problem was encountered in removing the module. The groove did not release until the module was rocked back and forth. We then had problems getting the module out of the tertiary tower. The module was resting on various things: the air bag edges were catching the module, the wheel housing was resting on the rails, two bolt heads were catching under the +X side of the module, and a nut on the +X side of the module was catching the steel flooring and gouging a path through it. More time needs to be spent adjusting the module wheels and making sure that the module installs and removes easily and positively.
The ESI instrument alignment went well, and initial indications are that the misalignment is consistent with Andy's previous determination. That determination indicated that the bearing to telescope axis misalignment was in the same direction as the instrument to module misalignment, meaning they added together.
The ESI guide camera was not made to work from the telescope connections.

Friday, 20 August 1999


Continue systems integration testing. (Kibrick)
Continue servo tuning (until 1 p.m.).
Work on infrastructure for adding weight to the transfer module.
ESI work.


Hector fixed the four broken fibers and with Jim Burrous tested their throughput. All went well with that. The PXL problems were tracked down to a faulty software module. The back of the collimator cover was blackened, the calibration lamps reaimed to the field center, and the grating baffle installed. The ESI crew will work over the weekend so that CARA can work on the module Monday and Tuesday.

RWG, 8/23/99

Saturday, 21 August 1999


Retilt grating to optimize energy distribution in echellete mode. (Sheinis, Burrous)
Repoint camera such that wavelength scale is per optical design. (Sheinis, Burrous)
Install more baffling to eliminate an annoying arc reflection. (Cowley)
Measured spot sizes and wavelength locations. (Sheinis, Kibrick)


Also lubricated the imaging flat drive screw and cleaned a smudge off one prism.

RWG, 8/23/99

Sunday, 22 August 1999


Final wiring and testing of temperature sensors. (Burrous)
Final cladding installation. (Sheinis, Burrous)
Spare part inventory, tool packing, and cleanup (Cowley, Sheinis, Burrous)


Monday, 23 August 1999


Remove remainder of tertiary tower weight (~800 lbs. total).
Install same weights on tertiary module.
Balance telescope.
Continue work on adjusting ESI module's wheels and defining.


Tuesday, 24 August 1999


Continue work on adjusting ESI module's wheels and defining.
Add more weight to transfer module (~700 lbs.)
Add weight to secondary socket (~400 lbs.).
Balance telescope.
Continue systems integration tests.
Continue servo tuning on deck if required.


Wednesday, 25 August 1999


Install ESI in telescope, check balance, clearances.
  • Move telescope to horizon, install horizon lock.
  • Move to RT4 position (LRIS).
  • Remove LRIS to deck and cable up.
  • Move to RT3; install ESI in telescope.
  • Install ESI in telescope and define.
  • Add snubber to cable wrap arm.
  • Check Z balance.
  • Check clearance with handrails, platform.
  • Check clearance through yoke.
  • Balance in Y.
  • Time permitting, check behavior of cable wrap as telescope is slewed. Does it os cillate, shake the camera, etc?
  • Remove ESI from telescope.
  • Move to RT1, install transfer module in telescope.
  • Move to RT2, install tertiary mirror.
  • Check Z balance.
  • Check Y balance.
  • Continue with checkout for the night's observing.
Trim balance on tertiary module to match ESI's.


Z balance done today, Y will be attempted tomorrow. The module is not defining well, and the air bags will not handle the extra load. Late today new air bags are arriving in Waimea. They will be installed tomorrow morning.
Servo tuning is complete.

Thursday, 26 August 1999


Cut coax and AC power cables to length and terminate. (Burrous)
Install new air bags. (Bell)
Balance in Y.
Check clearances past Cassegrain platform and through yoke. (Bell)
Install safety pin. (Bell, Felton)
Make new air line.
Fix more broken fibers.
Install protective guard over fiber positions on Nas. deck.
Install protective guard over fiber positions on telescope.
Check with Seerveld about last adjustment of module during module-to-telescope alignment.
Relocate junction box.
Tie up cables on module.
Continue servo tuning on deck if required..


Friday, 27 August 1999


Work on tasks not finished yesterday.
Continue systems integration tests.
Continue servo tuning.


Saturday, 28 August 1999


Contingency, last minute preparations for commissioning.


Sunday, 29 August 1999


First night of commissioning run.
Determine pointing origins, image handedness and rotation, scale.
Take MAlign calibration data.
Take throughput data for echellette mode.


Monday, 30 August 1999


Night 2 of commissioning.
Take more throughput data.


Tuesday, 31 August 1999


Night 3 of commissioning.


Wednesday, 1 September 1999


Night 4 of commissioning.


Thursday, 2 September 1999


Remove from telescope to RT2, cable up on deck.


Last modified: Fri Jan 8 21:28:48 HST 2010