
These instructions describe the procedure to release a new DEIMOS user script or an already existing script which has been previously modified.


Once you have tested and validated the script, follow this procedure:
  1. Loging as user deimos in polo
  2. Copy the new version of the script in one of the sub-directories under /home/deimos/src/. See below for guidelines on the sub-directory structure and content.
  3. Change to the directory where the script was copied and issue the command:
    cvs -n up
    This will report if there is any update in the CVS structure.
  4. Add the file to the repository via the command:
    cvs add scriptname
  5. Commit:
    cvs commit -m "descriptive message" scriptname
  6. Install:

Directory sctruture

The directory /home/deimos/src/ has the following sub-directories where scripts can be copied into: