tvfocloop -- increment TV focus when images are saved
Move the TV focus through a series of values, pausing at
each focus position until new camera image(s) have been saved.
tvfocloop [-wait n] <start> [n [incr]]
-wait = wait for <n> camera images to appear before moving (default=1)
start = starting tv focus position (units)
n = number of focus positions to test (default=7)
incr = increment in focus [mm] (default=20 units)
The script will not actually *take* the TV guider frames;
this must be done by the OA using Xguide.
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
3 = start and/or incr are not valid floats
4 = n too large
1) To acquire TV guider frames in the least painful manner,
ask the OA to save a sequence (perhaps 30) of guider frames,
then execute the script, specifying that the script will pause
until TWO new images have been written:
tvfocloop -wait 2 900 11 20
See Also
The shell script tvfocloop
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Thu Sep 9 09:34:06 2010