rotatloop -- step the rotator and pause between moves
Given a stepsize, starting and ending rotator values, and a
desired time interval for sleeping, this script will move the
rotator and pause for the desired amount of time to allow one to
acquire data. The default action is to mvoe from the negative
to the positive limits of rotation in 10-degree increments, pausing
for 10 seconds between moves.
rotatloop [-silent] [-prompt] [-goi] [start [stop [step [sleep]]]]
-silent = do not beep between moves
-goi = acquire an image at each position
-prompt = require user to press <Enter> to move
start = starting DEIMOS PA value [deg; default=-410]
stop = ending DEIMOS PA value [deg; default=310]
step = increment between moves [deg; default=10]
sleep = number of seconds to sleep [sec; default=10]
Transcript written to STDOUT
- Rotator must be in "Pos" mode to enable user control
- Angles must be provided in integer format
- If "-goi" is specified, pausing and sleeping are NOT done
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
1) Acquire an image every 10 deg between the rotator limits:
rotatloop -goi
2) Rotate from 0 to 360 in 15 deg increments, pausing at each
position until the observer presses a key:
rotatloop -prompt 0 360 15
See Also
The shell script rotatloop
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Thu Oct 14 05:06:56 2004