#!/bin/csh -f #+ # ref2slit -- offset star at REF onto slit at (x,y) # # Purpose: # Put the star at the REF pointing origin onto the slit at # the specified pixel location on the DEIMOS CCD mosaic. # # Usage: # ref2slit x y # # Arguments: # x = column number of slit center [px, DEIMOS pane coordinate system] # y = row number of slit center [px, DEIMOS pane coordinate system] # # Output: # To stdout # # Restrictions: # - Should only be used for slits visible on the guider, # since it will not place targets precisely and does not # account for the gaps in the DEIMOS mosaic. # # Exit values: # 0 = normal completion # 1 = wrong number of arguments # # Example: # 1) To move a star onto a slit at DEIMOS mosaic pane coordinates # x=4975, y=2117, first put the star at REF and then type # ref2slit 4975 2117 #- # Calibration: # - Configure DEIMOS for direct imaging. # - Place a MIRA star at REF # - Execute command "mov 0 0 0 -1000" # - Measure (x,y) position of star on image using ds9 # - Set x0=x and y0=y+1000 # # Modification history: # 2004-Sep-14 GDW Original version #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set x0 = 4903 set y0 = 3523 set buf = $0 set cmd = $buf:t set usage = "Usage: $cmd x y" # verify args... if ( $#argv < 1 || $argv > 2 ) then printf "$usage\n" exit 1 endif # parse args... if ( $#argv >= 1 ) then set x = $1 shift endif if ( $#argv >= 1 ) then set y = $1 shift endif # verify that we are at REF... set poname = `poname` if ( "$poname" != "REF" ) then printf "ERROR: current pointing origin is $poname not REF -- aborting! \n" exit 2 endif # offset to slit... mov $x0 $y0 $x $y exit