#!/bin/csh -f #+ # nightpath -- return the path of the 'nightly' directory # # Purpose: # Print a string containing the predicted name of the 'nightly' # directory into which cam images and other nightly data are placed. # This directory is predicted based on the instrument in use and can # be overridden by use of the "side" parameter. # # Usage: # nightpath [side] [net] # # Arguments: # side = [1|2] Telescope side in use (1=Keck I, 2=Keck II) # net = [h|s] Network (h = HQ, s = summit) # # Output: # String is printed to stdout # # Restrictions: # None # # Exit values: # 0 = normal completion # 1 = wrong number of arguments # # Example: # 1) Generate the summit nightly directory path for the current # instrument: # nightpath # # 2) Generate the HQ nightly directory path for Keck II: # nightpath 2 h # # 3) Generate an alias to switch to the appropriate directory: # alias cdn 'chdir `nightpath \!*` ; pwd' # #- # Modification history: # 2001-Jun-27 GDW Original version # 2001-Feb-20 RWG Added "net" argument # 2001-Feb-23 GDW Added "k1" and "k2" options # Made default option k1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # define initial values... set buf = $0 set cmd = $buf:t set usage = "Usage: $cmd [1|2] [h|s]" set side = 1 set net = "s" # define side based on instrument... if ( $?INSTRUMENT ) then switch ( $INSTRUMENT) case esi: case nirc2: case nirspec: case deimos: case k2: set side = 2 breaksw case lris: case hires: case nirc: case lws: case k1: default: set side = 1 breaksw endsw endif # Parse arguments. while ($#argv > 0) switch ($1) case "1": case "2": set side = $1 breaksw case "h": case "s": set net = "$1" breaksw default: cat <