newday -- set up directory, filename prefix, etc.
Prepare the instrument for a new day of observing by
locating the data disk with the most available space and
creating a science data directory there. Also:
= sets the science mosaic outdir keyword appropriately
= sets the science image filename prefix based on the UT date
= creates an "fcs" subdirectory for FCS images
= sets the FCS outdir keyword appropriately
= sets the FCS image filename prefix based on the UT date
= copies over any FCS reference files from the old data directory,
IF the old data directory was also owned by the same user
= reset next science and FCS image numbers to 1
= enable saving to disk for both science and FCS system
newday [-test] [disk]
-test = execute only if no directory is already set up for today
disk = 1-digit number of disk to be used for data storage.
Default is to let the newdir command select the best disk.
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
1) Set up new directories for today:
2) Set up new directories on disk /sdata1004:
newday 4
3) Set up new directories only if not already done:
newday -test
See Also
The shell script newday
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Tue Feb 28 16:03:39 2006