mosaic script


mosaic -- acquire mosaiced image sequence


Acquire DEIMOS images across a grid of points,
centered on the current position, moving in INSTRUMENT
coordinates. The default behavior is to take one image at each
location using the current instrument settings (filter,
ttime). Command line argument can be used to acquire data in
multiple filter, acquire multiple images for various filters, to
change the integration time for each filter.


mosaic [-debug] [-dither] [-notify] [-pause] [-filter <values>]
[-ttime <values>]
[-nexp <values>] <nx> <ny> <dx> <dy>


nx = number of images to take in x
ny = number of images to take in y
dx = separation of adjacent images (arcsec in detector X direction)
dy = separation of adjacent images (arcsec in detector Y direction)


-debug = only print actions to be taken; make no telescope
moves and do not take images
-dither = enable "x" dithering between images in order to prevent alignment
of the CCD gaps in consecutive frames
-pause = pause execuition after each telescope move to allow
resumption of guiding
-notify = use audio and popup message to announce completion
-filter = specify a comma-separated list of dewar filters to expose
[default is to use the current filter]
-ttime = specify a comma-separated list of exposure times, one per filter
[default is to use the current exposure time]
-nexp = specify a comma-separated list of exposures, one per filter
[default is to take one exposure per filter]


Transcript written to STDOUT


The grid is laid out in the INSTRUMENT coordinate system; observer
must align the detector (rather than the slit!) with the celestial
axes in order to make moves purely in (N/S)

Side effects

- Base coordinates will be reset

Exit values

0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
2 = non-numeric argument received
3 = number of array elements do not match
4 = aborted by user request


1) Acquire a 5x5 mosaic with separation of 15 arsec:
mosaic 5 5 15 15

2) Acquire same mosaic in BVRI filters with 3xB, 2xV, 1xR, 1x1:
mosaic -filter B,V,R,I -nexp 3,2,1,1 5 5 15 15

2) Acquire same mosaic in BVRI filters with exposure times of
300, 200, 100, and 100 sec
mosaic -filter B,V,R,I -ttime 300,200,100,100 \
5 5 15 15

See Also

The shell script mosaic
DEIMOS script index

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Last modified: Tue Apr 5 00:28:30 2005