gmov script


gmov -- move an object to a given position on the DEIMOS guider


Given the starting pixel coordinates of an object on a
DEIMOS guider image, and destination coordinates,
compute and apply the required telescope move to reposition
the object as desired.


gmov [-n] x1 y1 x2 y2


-n = no move, only print the required shift
x1 = starting column location of object [pixels]
y1 = starting row location of object [pixels]
x2 = ending column location of object [pixels]
y2 = ending row location of object [pixels]


Exit values

0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
2 = arguments not valid floating-point numbers


1) Move a target at guider pixel (100,200) to pixel (300,400):
gmov 100 200 300 400

2) Display the telescope move required to shift a target at
pixel (100,200) to the pixel (300,400) without moving the telecope:
gmov -n 100 200 300 400

See Also

The shell script gmov
DEIMOS script index

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Last modified: Wed Jun 9 16:30:34 2004