calib_blue -- acquire calibrations for blue-ish central wavelength
settings on DEIMOS
This is a script to run arc line and internal flat lamp
calibrations for DEIMOS when observing in the blue. This
script was initially tweaked for use with the 1200B grating at
a central wavelength of 5200 Angstroms with any slit width.
The script was later on extended to all gratings with a
central wavelength shorter than 6500A and any slitwidth.
For flat field exposures, the script acquires three images for
the red side. Because the throughput is very low near 4000
Angstroms, the script acquires six images for the blue side.
These exposures will saturate the red side. As written, the
spec2d pipeline will not accept separate red and blue flat
field images. However, it is reasonably easy to modify the and files to
accept different images.
The script also takes an additional deep KrXe arc if the central
wavelength is shorter than 6000A.
The script requires about 33 minutes per mask. If short on
time, then the time to warm up lamps can be reduced in some
calib_blue slitwidth mask1 mask2 mask3 ...
maskN = mask names for which to acquire calibration images
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
See Also
The shell script calib_blue
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Mon Aug 1 09:15:27 2011