calib -- acquire calibration data for DEIMOS slitmask(s)
With no argument, acquire calibration data for the current
slitmask. With arguments, acquire calibrations for the named
calib [-q] [-nofcs] [-pid] [-arctime <n>] [-flattime <n>] \
[-n_arcs <n>] [-n_flats <n>] [-lamps values] \
[<mask1> <mask2> ... <maskN>]
maskN = name of slitmask to observe [default=current]
-q = quiet mode; suppress certain output
-pid = print process ID
-nofcs = do not wait for FCS updates. This is useful when
calibrating in a configuration with no FCS setup defined
-arctime = specify an xposure time to use for arcs [integer, default=1]
-flattime = specify an exposure time to use for flats
[integer, default=12]
-n_arcs = number of arc exposures to take [integer; default=1]
-n_flats = number of quartz flat exposures to take [integer; default=3]
-lamps = specify a comma-separated list of arc lamps to use
for arc exposures [default is Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe]
Acquires one calibration lamp exposure (using NeArKrXe lamps)
and three quartz flats per slitmask. A report on the exposures
is written to STDOUT on completion.
Side Effects
Will close the hatch if required. And leave it closed.
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
2 = FCS is not ready to track
1) calibrate the current mask using default exposure times:
2) calibrate the masks 4208.W and 5205.E using the default
exposure time for arcs and 6 seconds for the flats.
calib -flattime 6 4208.W 5205.E
3) calibrate the masks 4208.W and 5205.E using a non-standard set of
arc lamps (Zn, Cd, and Hg):
calib -lamps "Zn,Cd,Hg" 4208.W 5205.E
See Also
The shell script calib
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Tue Jun 17 12:34:17 2014