by3 -- acquire images in 3-pos pattern in DETECTOR coords w/ random dither
Acquire a sequence of images using 3-positions in y
plus an optional random offset.
by3 dy [dx]
dy = size of the step in the "y" direction [arcsec]
dx = size of the random dither in x [arcsec, default=0]
Exit values
0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
2 = arguments are not valid numbers
1) Acquire 3 images using 1-arcsec steps in y:
by3 1
Images are acquired at: (0.00,0.00), (0.00,1.00), (0.00,-1.00)
2) Acquire 3 images using 10-arcsec steps in y:
by3 10
Images are acquired at: (0.00,0.00), (0.00,10.00), (0.00,-10.00)
2) Acquire 3 images using 10-arcsec steps in y with
random 5 arcsec dither:
by3 10 5
Images are acquired at: (-1.58,0.00), (-2.54,10.00), (2.76,-10.00)
See Also
The shell script by3
DEIMOS script index
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Last modified: Wed Jun 9 16:30:36 2004