This page gives a brief description of how to use the
FIGDISP window for display and analysis of images.
The FIGDISP/GUI control window is depicted below.
Common Operations
Zooming and Panning
- Zoom
- Click the IN button on the
GUI to zoom in, and click OUT to
zoom out. Click NORMAL to reset
the zoom to its nominal value.
- Pan
- Click CENTER to re-center the
window on the image. Click the left
mouse button in any window
(except the pixel values window) to move the point under the
cursor to the center of the main window.
Colormap Adjustment
- Scaling algorithm
- Click LINEAR for a linear
colormap, or HIST EQ for a
histogram-equalized colormap (which usually gives the
best result). The AUTODISP and MANUAL buttons are not often used.
- Contrast adjustment
- After clicking the PAN/COLORS
button, click and drag the right
mouse button to adjust
contrast (vertical motion) and brightness (horizontal
- Reverse video
- Click the REVERSE VID button
to invert the colormap.
Line Graphics
- Row plot
- Press the r button to
plot the row under the cursor. Press comma button to increase the
numbers of rows to average (default is 1), and press period button to decrease.
- Column plot
- Press the c button to
plot the column under the cursor. Press comma button to increase the
numbers of rows to average (default is 1), and press period button to decrease.
- Vector plot
- Click and drag the middle
mouse button to plot pixel values along a vector.
Pixel Values
- Local
- Click the TITLE BAR DISP
button and move over a pixel to have its location and
value displayed in the window titlebar.
- Regional
- Press the p button to pop up
a window listing pixel values within a 10×10 pixel region
centered on the current location.
- Centroid/FWHM
- Center the cursor over a star and press s to pop up a window
displaying the measured centroid and FWHM in column and
row space.
- Min, Max, Mean, Sigma of region
- Click on the STAT BOX button,
then move cursor onto image. Define a rectangular region by
clicking the left mouse button to
define the upper left corner, and the right mouse button to
define the lower right corner. A window will pop up and
display the mean, minimum, and maximum values within the
region, plus the standard deviation (sigma).
Key Bindings
The following keys are defined:
FIGDISP Key Bindings
Key |
Function |
Z |
Zoom in |
a |
Go to normal zoom factor |
z |
Zoom out |
X |
Zoom in X coordinates |
x |
Zoom out X coordinates |
Y |
Zoom in Y coordinates |
y |
Zoom out Y coordinates |
H |
Help (display list of key bindings) |
v |
Toggle cursor display (Pixel location/ADU's) |
o |
Recenter image |
l |
Toggle display of panner window (a la SAOimage) |
Q |
Quit |
L |
Show a window containing the color map |
p |
Toggle display of pixel values near the cursor |
r |
Produce a row plot in the line graphics window |
P |
Print the image |
V |
Print the visible portion of the image |
i |
Toggle color map inversion |
s |
Toggle display of centroid/FWHM window |
c |
Produce a column plot in the line graphics window |
comma |
Decrease number of pixels averaged for a line plot |
period |
Increase number of pixels averaged for a line plot |
slash |
Reset number of pixels averaged for a line plot |
! |
Toggle function key inhibiting |
< |
Decrease number of times LUT entries are recycled |
> |
Increase number of times LUT entries are recycled |
? |
No longer use LUT entry recycling |
e |
Cycle through display scaling algorithms (histogram
equalization, autodisp, normal) |
m |
Toggle between PAN/COLORS and STAT BOX modes |
S |
Print image statistics within box |
All windows except the location window may be resized
arbitrarily. The location window can be resized within
limits, and the program will often adjust the user
defined size. The line graphics window should not be
resized while it is being modified.
``p'' or ``s'' pressed in the main window or in the location
window will cause the pixel values or seeing window to
appear. The window may be dismissed by the same button
inside that window. All other functions work from all
windows (``Z'' always zooms in).
No transformations (zoom, resize window) will move
the point at the center of the window, unless that would
cause the entire window to be empty.