Date and operator


Startup Index

A. Startup (SA)

  1. In any of the ThinClients, start the VNC sessions:
    • In the ThinClient background menu, select VNC Viewer input:
      • svncserver1:3
    • Alternatively, in the ThinClient background menu, select Local xterm and type:
      • vncviewer svncserver1:3
    • Use the standard login info for k1obsao.
  2. Within the k1ao-k1obsao-control1 VNC desktop, from the pulldown menu, select:
    LGS-AO Control Menu → Start LGS-AO control1
  3. Wait about 3 minutes for all the GUIs to come up and position themselves.
  4. Load the file idl_opensYYMMDD.sav in Spiral.
  5. Open the MAGIQ GUI and map the OA starlist:
    • In the background menu of k1ao-k1obsao-control0 select:
      K1 Guider Eavesdropping → Start Observer UI
    • In MAGIQ File → Map OA Starlist
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B. Startup (Summit)

  1. Start the VNC viewer via the pull-down:
    • VNC Menu → Start Acquisition Viewer
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C. Setup OSIRIS for Checkout

    In OSIRIS Observation Planning GUI, load ddf file. Either
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D. NGS-AO Checkout

  1. From MAORI Menu → Scripts → Night-time setup
      Select options:
    • LGS-AO
    • Beam splitter
  2. Select an engineering star from the starlist (about an hour to the East)
  3. Slew to calibration star
  4. In AoAcq widget:
    • Set:
      AO ModeNGS-AO
    • Setup Bench
  5. From MAORI Menu → Start Fault Detector
  6. In FST Sequencer GUI, select Scripts → Start of Night to enable night time mode.
    • a pop-up may ask Are you sure. Answer Yes.
    • A second pop-up may inform you that All updates are complete.

  1. Ask the OA for the OSPEC PO.
  2. Click Acquire Star in the Aoacq GUI.
  3. Wait till loops are closed and watch for varying WFS intensity (if sky is bright and changing).
  4. If WFS intensity decreases with time, hit Record bkg 30" E in the WFS Intensity GUI.
  5. Repeat until WFS intensity is constant.
  6. Once WFS intensity is fairly constant, take a new background
  7. In the Optimization Tool:
    • Set the optimizer mode to NGS.
    • Hit TRIGGER to run a diagnostic.
    • When completed, click SET OPT GAIN.
    • Hit TRIGGER to run another diagnostic.
    • Repeat until current gain matches recommended gain.
  8. In OSIRIS Online Reduction GUI, set Calibration File to Next Raw Frame
  9. In OSIRIS Data Execution Client, click Start Next Dataset
  10. to start OSIRIS calibration images:
  11. In MAORI, open DM loop
  12. Record star FWHM from the ACAMTOOL:
    • Set tint to 1.0 sec.
    • goi.
    • Measured FWHM: arcsec.
    • File number:
  13. In the AO acquisition GUI, Loops → Open.
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E. Laser Alignment at Zenith

  2. In AoAcq widget:
    • Set:
      AO Mode LGS-AO
      DAR Off
      Ref OPT AXIS
    • Wait until telescope is slewing to LASER ZENITH
    • Setup Bench
      Select Sodium Dichroic
  3. The rotator should be set automatically to 0 degrees in vertical angle mode.
    If not, in OSIRIS Telescope GUI → Rotate, set 0 vertang.
  4. When bench setup is done, click Cal Setup in ACAM and wait for Acamtool to display: Ready to take image
  6. Propagate laser from FST Sequencer GUI:
    • Click INITIALIZE and wait for status to indicate initialized.
    • Click ALIGN and wait for status to indicate aligned.
    • Click PROPAGATE.
  7. Run laser alignment procedure in the ACAM Tool:
    1. Set Tint (s) to 5 seconds.
    2. Take an exposure by hitting goi.
    3. Click COARSE to center spot on ACAM.
    4. Repeat goi and COARSE until you see light on the WFS
    5. Click HOME.
    6. A popup may ask to update the LGSAO POs. The answer is YES.
    7. Review the ACAM image:
      • If the laser spot size is 1.8 arcsec or smaller skip the Automated and Manual focus because spot size is good enough. Skip to fine alignment if no adjustment is required.
      • If the spot size is larger try to refocus the laser:
        • Automated method:
          1. Click on Focus LTA on ACAM Tool. This will take a series of sub frames centered on the laser spot. Focus will change between images.
          2. Plot will display the focus curve for both the x and y axis.
          3. In the xterm that pops up, enter your estimated BTOB focus value or the best fit BTOB focus value provided in the terminal output.
        • Manual method:
          1. Disable temperature compensation:
            • on FST sequencer GUI, click on the focus icon located on right hand side to bring up the BTOB Focus Compensation GUI
            • At the top fo the BTOB Focus compensation GUI toggle Enabled to disabled.
          2. From kNobsao@kNaoserver type s lsxf to determine intial focus value.
          3. Save an ACAM image and then modify the lsxf(mm) value by 0.5 mm (initial guess) and repeat the ACAM image.
          4. Analyze images for smallest spot (between 1.0-2.0 arcseconds FWHM, seeing dependent).
          5. Set lsxf(mm) to best value
          6. on the BTOB Focus Compensation GUI, click Set Base Focus (light blue button on GUI).
          7. on the BTOB Focus Compensation GUI, toggle back to Enable (button at top of GUI). XF value should remain fixed.
        • Record BTOB Focus Compensation mm
    8. Click FINE.
      Wait for Offload complete or Alignment complete.
    9. Click DONE.
  8. In the AO acquisition GUI, Loops → Open.
  9. Shutter the laser by clicking SHUTTER on the FST Sequencer GUI.
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F. LGS-AO Checkout

  1. In OSIRIS Telescope GUI → Rotate, set -360 posang to set the rotator to PA mode.
  2. Slew to a 10-14 magnitude star (from the observer's target list or close to the observer's first target)
  3. Set the telescope PO to OSPEC
  4. In AoAcq widget:
    • Set:
      AO Mode LGS-AO
      DAR Acq only
      Ref OSPEC
    • Setup Bench
      Select sodium Dichroic
  5. Acquire star (wait for good image sharpening)
  6. In the Optimization Tool:
    • Set the optimizer mode to STRAP.
    • Hit TRIGGER to run a diagnostic.
    • When completed, click SET OPT GAIN.
    • Hit TRIGGER to run another diagnostic.
    • Repeat until current TT gain matches recommended TT gain... Then:
      • Copy DIAG # into TURB PS field in optimization tool.
      • Record
    • Set the optimizer mode to LGS:
      • Tweak Frame Rate & DM gain in MAORI, try again
      • if rate changed, take another sky with reclose loops
  7. In OSIRIS Observation Planning GUI, re-configure a spectroscopic dataset
    by setting Laser Mode to Laser Fixed
  8. Click Send to Queue
  9. In OSIRIS Dataset Execution Client, click Start Next Dataset
    1. Let the LBWFS RMS and dfoc settle
    2. Record LGSAO-corrected FWHM:
      • FWHM: milli-arcsec, × pix.
  10. In the AO acquisition GUI, Loops → Open.
  11. Shutter the laser by clicking SHUTTER on the FST Sequencer GUI.
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G. Submit the form

Please, hit the SUBMIT button to store data

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