NGS-AO (required for both, NGS and LGS calibrations)

  1. In svncserver1:3 VNC desktop, select from the background menu NGS-AO Control → Start NGS calibrations
  2. Keck I Calib → Calibration setup. If prompted:
  3. After cal setup, SFP should be at optosiris. If not, run the cal setup script again.
  4. In a napili terminal, execute /home/osrseng/syeh/osiris_ao_cal_checkout
  5. This script will
        Send SFP to optosiris (if you have already run the ao cal setup and SFP is not at telescope)
        Configure OSIRIS with
        set wait4ao off
        set spec filter = Kn3
        set spec scale = 0.020"
        set coadds = 1
        set integration time = 2 s
        take a "sky" exposure 
  6. In OSIRIS Online Reduction GUI, specify the "sky" frame, then hit "c" to contunue.
  7. The script will take an open-loop image by
        Send SFP to ospec 
        Block the light source
        Turn off HEPA
        Take a WFS background 
        Configure OSIRIS with
        set wait4ao off
        set spec filter = Kn3
        set spec scale = 0.020"
        set coadds = 1
        set integration time = 2 s
        take an exposure 
  8. Check the open-loop image quality
  9. In the Aoacq GUI: then hit "c" to contunue.
  10. The script will take a close-loop image by
              Lower the TT and DM loop gain to 0.1
              Configure OSIRIS with
              set wait4ao off
              set spec filter = Kn3
              set spec scale = 0.020"
              set coadds = 1
              set integration time = 2 s
              take an exposure 
  11. Check the close-loop image quality
  12. Hit "c" to finish, and the script will
          open the TT and DM loops

Put everything in safe mode