NGS-AO (required for both, NGS and LGS calibrations)

Setup the AO bench and close the loops:

  1. On the svncserver2:3 VNC desktop, select from the background menu NGS-AO Control → Start NGS calibrations
  2. Keck II Calib → Calibration setup. If prompted:
  3. SC GUI → SF (SFP) → obsfname → scam
  4. Keck II Calib → Light Source Control
  5. Check that the AOACQ GUI is in simulator mode (Aoacq - vX.Y CLS SIMULATION MODE). Otherwise, start the AOACQ GUI in simulator mode. In a k2aoserver terminal as k2obsao:
  6. In the Aoacq GUI:
  7. Record a new WFS background:
  8. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  9. MAORI → AO Control

Setup NIRSPEC and take closed-loop image with SCAM:

  1. On the nspeceng VNCs:
  2. Monitor the setup progress on the NIRSPEC instrument control GUI and on the wait_wrapper popup terminal. Double check that:
  3. Once the setup is completed, take a SCAM background image on a nirspec terminal with the following commands:
  4. Set the last image as background for Ginga. On the SCAM Ginga display NIRSPEC_SCAM → Use last as subtraction
  5. Open the NIRSPEC hatch and take an image with SCAM:

Check the closed-loop image quality by measuring the FWHM of the fiber source image on SCAM using the Pick tool on the SCAM Ginga display. The image quality is considered acceptable if the fiber image is not too elongated and the FWHM of the PSF as measured by the Pick tool is < 4.5 pix on SCAM. See example here of an acceptable closed-loop image on SCAM showing 4.3 pix FWHM (65 mas). Note, it is helpful to adjust the Cut levels on the Ginga SCAM display to something like low=0 and high=1000.

Put NIRSPEC in safe mode: NIRSPEC instrument control → Hatch → New value → Closed → Apply

Additional checkout for LGS-AO

It is currently not possible to take a SFP fiber image with SCAM when AO is configured in NGS-ST mode, because the brightness required to get enough counts of the WFS with the sodium dichroic in the optical path saturates the SCAM.

Put AO in safe mode