HIRES Native Keywords

For more details on native-keywords see the
Lick Observatory keyword definitions

ABFREQ (native-keyword, mosaic only)

The antiblooming frequency. If antiblooming is enabled, charge will be rocked back and forth between the parallel phases of the CCD at this frequency during an integration.

Type = integer

Unit = hertz

ACPOWER (native-keyword)

Is the there AC power?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

AIRMASS (native-keyword)

Air mass of the target being observed

Type = float

Unit = n/a

AIRPRESS (native-keyword)

Atmospheric pressure as measured by a sensor inside the HIRES enclosure

Type = real

Unit = mbar

AMPLIST (native-keyword)

Array describing readout pixel stream from multiple CCD amplifiers. HIRES mosaic has 4 elements for each possible amp on Tek-like CCDs. Amp numbering is 1= top L,2= top R,3= bot L,4= bot R. Only 1 & 2 valid for 2-amp devices.

Type = string

Unit = n/a


AMPMODE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

Tells whether the mosaic is in single or dual amp readout mode and which amp if single. This is used to determine which data the CCD crate will ship to lickserv.

Type = string

Unit = n/a


AMPPSIZE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

The unbinned region of physical pixels accessible to this amplifier for this readout in IRAF section notation.

Type = string

Unit = pixels

ANTIBLM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

Determines whether antiblooming clocking will be used.

Type = string

Unit = boolean

AUTOSHUT (native-keyword)

Set to true to open shutter at start of integration.

Type = string

Unit = boolean

AZ (native-keyword)

Telescope azimuth

Type = real

Unit = degrees

BCCVCLOS (native-keyword)

Is the blue collimator cover closed?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

BCCVOPEN (native-keyword)

Is the blue collimator cover open?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

BINNING (native-keyword)

The amount of on-chip binning to be performed along each readout axis of a CCD.

Type = string

Unit = pixels


BITPIX (native-keyword, mosaic only)

The BITPIX absolute value is used in computing the sizes of data structures. It shall specify the number of bits that represent a data value.

Valid values are -32 (32-bit IEEE single precision), -64 (64-bit IEEE double precision), 16 (signed 16-bit 2s complement integers), 32 (signed 32-bit 2s complement integers) and 8 (unsigned 8-bit 2s complement integers)

Type = integer

Unit = bits

BSCALE (native-keyword)

Default scaling factor

BZERO (native-keyword)

Offset data

C1CVCLOS (native-keyword)

Is the corrector1 cover closed?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

C1CVOPEN (native-keyword)

Is the corrector1 cover open?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

C2CVCLOS (native-keyword)

Is the corrector2 cover closed?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

C2CVOPEN (native-keyword)

Is the corrector2 cover open?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

CACVCLOS (native-keyword)

Is the camera cover closed?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

CACVOPEN (native-keyword)

Is the camera cover open?

Type = string

Unit = boolean

CAFCAL (native-keyword)

Is the camera focus calibration complete?

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CAFCON (native-keyword)

Camera focus control

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CAFNAME (native-keyword)

Camera focus name

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CAFOCUS (native-keyword)

Camera focus location

Type = real

Unit = um

CAFRAW (native-keyword)

Camera focus raw position

Type = integer

Unit = encoder counts

CAMCON (native-keyword)

Camera cover control

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CATCUR1 (native-keyword)

Cathode1 current

Type = real

Unit = mA

CATCUR2 (native-keyword)

Cathode2 current

Type = real

Unit = mA

CATON (native-keyword)

Cathode power control

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CCDGAIN (native-keyword)

CCD gain used, high gain is 2x low gain.

Type = string

Unit = n/a


CCDSPEED (native-keyword, mosaic only)

CCD readout speed. Normal speed is the default. Fast speed provides rapid readout without concern for CTE or readout noise. Slow speed provides lowest readout noise at expense of readout time.

Type = string

Unit - n/a


CCDSUM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

This is a new keyword for the HIRES mosaic

CHECKSUM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

Checksum of header

COFCAL (native-keyword)

Is the collimator focus calibrated?

Type = string

Unit = n/a


COFCON (native-keyword)

collimator focus control

Type = string

Unit = n/a


COFNAME (native-keyword)

Collimator focus name

Type = string

Unit = n/a


COFOCUS (native-keyword)

Collimator focus location

Type = real

Unit = um

COFRAW (native-keyword)

Collimator focus raw position

Type = integer

Unit = encoder counts

COLLBLUE (native-keyword)

Is the blue collimator selected?

Type = string

Unit = n/a

Examplesnot blue

  • blue

    COLLBRAK (native-keyword)

    Collimator brake

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    COLLCON (native-keyword)

    Collimator control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    COLLRED (native-keyword)

    Is the red collimator selected?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    Examplesnot red

  • red

    COOLFLOW (native-keyword)

    External coolant flow

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    DARKCLOS (native-keyword)

    Is the dark slide closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    DARKOPEN (native-keyword)

    Is the dark slide open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    DARKTIME (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Time between end of CCD erase sequence and beginning of CCD readout. This is the value that should be used for dark current correction.

    Type = real

    Unit = seconds

    DATASUM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Data unit checksum

    DATE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The value field shall contain a character string giving the date on which the HDU was created, in the form DD/MM/YY

    Type = string

    Unit = date

    DATE-OBS (native-keyword)

    Universal date of observation.

    Type = string

    Unit = date

    Example: YYYY-MM-DD

    DATE_BEG (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Unix system date and time when watch_ccd received message (i.e., sometime later) indicating shutter was commanded to open for the first time after erase. This is accurate to 1 s, and it is not guaranteed to be UTC.

    Type = datetime

    Unit = time

    DATE_END (native-keyword)

    Unix system date and time when watch_ccd received message (i.e., sometime later) indicating shutter was commanded to close for the last time before readout. This is accurate to 1 s, and it is not guaranteed to be UTC.

    Type = datetime

    Unit = time

    DCSSTAT (native-keyword)

    This is the overall drive and control system (DCS) status. It indicates the worst status (maximized severity) of AXESTAT, SECSTAT, DOMESTAT and whichever is appropriate of ROTSTAT or TERTSTAT.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    DEC (native-keyword)

    Current declination measured in the coordinate frame specified by FRAME (FK4, FK5 or apparent) and at the epoch of mean equinox and equator specified by EQUINOX

    Type = string

    Unit = sexagesimal degree

    Type = string

    Unit = year DECKCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the decker calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    DECKCON (native-keyword)

    Decker control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    DECKLOC (native-keyword)

    Decker location

    Type = real

    Unit = mm

    DECKNAME (native-keyword)

    HIRES decker name.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    DECKRAW (native-keyword)

    Decker raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    DETCNFID (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The detector mosaic configuration id which is sent from the CCD controller to lickserv2 to identify the source of the image.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    DETECTOR (native-keyword)

    A character string describing the detector used to collect the data.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    DETLSIZE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Unbinned size of ideal layout of entire mosaic in IRAF section notation

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    DOMESTAT (native-keyword)

    The current dome status

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    DOOR (native-keyword)

    Is the door open or closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    DWRN2LV (native-keyword)

    Liquid nitrogen level in dewar.

    Type = real

    Unit = %

    ECHANGL (native-keyword)

    The difference between the current angular position of the HIRES echelle and its 'on-blaze' position. Positive values put redder light onto the detector.

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    ECHCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the echelle calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    ECHCON (native-keyword)

    Echelle control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    ECHNAME (native-keyword)

    Echelle name.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    ECHPIX (native-keyword)

    A variant on ECHANGL. The number of pixels by which the echelle blaze in a HIRES image is displaced from the center of the detector.

    Type = real

    Unit = pixels

    ECHRAW (native-keyword)

    Echelle raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    ECOVCLOS (native-keyword)

    Is the echelle cover closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    ECOVOPEN (native-keyword)

    Is the echelle cover open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    EL (native-keyword)

    Telescope elevation angle

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    ELAPTIME (native-keyword)

    Elapsed time of the exposure. This is the time between command of shutter open and command of shutter close, and there may be a very rough correction for shutter motion. EXPTIME should be used whenever available.

    Type = integer

    Unit = seconds

    EQUINOX (native-keyword)

    The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate system in which positions given in either the header or data are expressed.

    Type = float

    Unit = year ERAMODE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    A bitmask indicating which of the amplifiers in the mosaic was erased. This may be all, any, or none of the CCDs. This documents how a mosaic exposure can integrate longer on some CCDs than on others. Its value is the previous value of MOSMODE.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    ERASECNT (native-keyword)

    Number of erase cycles to perform prior to start of exposure. This is the number of times the entire chip is flushed out through the serial register.

    Type = integer

    Unit = erase cycles

    ERASLINE (native-keyword)

    A Caltech convention for saving overscan rows of CCD readout. For mosaic detectors it svalue is ignored and is effectively always false.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    EXM0DOVF (native-keyword)

    Number of overflow samples for the EXMODSUM value.

    Type = integer

    Unit = samples

    EXM0DSUM (native-keyword)

    Sum of dark counts from exposure meter #0 since the exposure began.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pmt counts

    EXM0FWMP (native-keyword)

    Flux weighted midpoint of an EXMO exposure.

    Type = integer

    Unit = seconds

    EXM0LOVF (native-keyword)

    Number of overflow samples for the EXMOLSUM value.

    Type = integer

    Unit = samples

    EXM0LSUM (native-keyword)

    Sum of light counts from exposure meter #0 since the exposure began.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pmt counts

    EXM0MIDP (native-keyword)

    Geometric midpoint of an exposure.

    Type = integer

    Unit = seconds

    EXM0MOD (native-keyword)

    Exposure meter #0 exposure control mode. If set to AUTO, CCD exposure will be stopped as soon as the integrated PMT signal (EXM0SSUM) is >= the exposure meter target (EXM0TARG).

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    EXM0SSUM (native-keyword)

    Sum of exposure signal fromexposure meter #0since the exposure began.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pmt counts

    EXM0STA (native-keyword)

    Exposure meter #0 status.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    EXM0TARG (native-keyword)

    Exposure meter #0 target for exposure cutoff.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pmt counts

    EXM0TOVF (native-keyword)

    Number of total overflow samples taken during the exposure.

    Type = integer

    Unit = samples

    EXPOSURE (native-keyword)

    For observations written by lickserv this keyword occurs in the output FITS file with a value identical to that of TTIME. It is a courtesy keyword for compatibility of existing practice at Lick Observatory. N.B.: It should not be used; see TTIME.

    Type = integer

    Unit = seconds

    EXPTIME (native-keyword)

    nterval during which the shutter was open. This is the best estimate based on measurements of the shutter operation. It is by far better than ELAPTIME (N.B.: TTIME and EXPOSURE should never be used for this).

    Type = real

    Unit = seconds

    EXTEND (native-keyword)

    True if the FITS dataset contains extensions

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    FIL1CAL (native-keyword)

    Is filter1 calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    FIL1CON (native-keyword)

    Filter1 control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    FIL1NAME (native-keyword)

    Name of filter1

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    FIL1POS (native-keyword)

    Filter1 discrete position in of 12

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    FIL1RAW (native-keyword)

    Filter1 raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    FIL2CAL (native-keyword)

    Is filter2 calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    FIL2CON (native-keyword)

    Filter2 control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    FIL2NAME (native-keyword)

    Name of filter2

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    FIL2POS (native-keyword)

    Filter2 discrete position in of 12

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    FIL2RAW (native-keyword)

    Filter2 raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    FRAME (native-keyword) Telescope coordinate frame being used

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    FRAMENO (native-keyword)

    Frame number of the next (or currently in-progress) exposure. This is appended after OUTFILE when constructing the name of the output disk file.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    HA (native-keyword)

    Telescope apparent Hour Angle

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    HATCLOS (native-keyword)

    Is the hatch closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    HATCON (native-keyword)

    Hatch control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    HATOPEN (native-keyword)

    Is the hatch open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    INSTRUME (native-keyword)

    The value field shall contain a character string identifying the instrument used to acquire the data contained in the array.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    IODCON (native-keyword)

    Iodine cell control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    IODIN (native-keyword)

    Is the iodine cell in light path?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    IODOUT (native-keyword)

    Is the iodine cell out of light path?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    IROT2ANG (native-keyword)

    Image rotator secondary angle

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    IROT2CAL (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Is the image rotator encoder2 calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    IROTCAL (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Image rotator calibration

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    IROTCON (native-keyword)

    Image rotator control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    IROTCVOP (native-keyword)

    Is the image rotator cover open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    IROTIN (native-keyword)

    Image rotator not in light path

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    IROTOUT (native-keyword)

    Image rotator out of light path

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    KEEPPREP (native-keyword)

    Will prescan pixels be retained when image is displayed and saved as FITS? Prescan pixels result from a serial shift register with pixels preceding those transferred from the parallel array.

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    LAMPCAT1 (native-keyword)

    Hollow cathode lamp1

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LAMPCAT2 (native-keyword)

    Hollow cathode lamp2

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LAMPDEUT (native-keyword)

    Deuterium lamp

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LAMPLSR (native-keyword)


    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LAMPNAME (native-keyword)

    Name of lamp being used

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LAMPQTZ2 (native-keyword)

    Quartz lamp2

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LFILCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the lamp filter calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LFILCON (native-keyword)


    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LFILNAME (native-keyword)

    Lamp filter name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    LFILPOS (native-keyword)

    Lamp filter discrete position in of 12

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    LFILRAW (native-keyword)

    Lamp filter raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    LIGHTS (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Interior lights status

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LMIRRIN (native-keyword)

    Is the comparison lamp mirror in?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    LMIRROUT (native-keyword)

    Is the comparison lamp mirror out?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    LSELCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the lamp select calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LSELCON (native-keyword)

    Lamp select control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    LSELNAME (native-keyword)

    Lamp select name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    LSELRAW (native-keyword)

    Lamp select raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    MJD (native-keyword)

    Modified Julian Date

    Type = real

    Unit = days

    MOSMODE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    A bitmask indicating which of the amplifiers in the mosaic will perform parallel shifts during a readout. This may be all, any or none of the CCDs. Serial shifts will occur for all CCDs, but unused amplifiers will contain only baseline.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    NAXIS (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    A non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in an ordinary data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    NSUBINT (native-keyword)

    Number of subintegrations. NSUBINT must divide evenly into TTIME. Defines when to shift CCD pixel rows up by ROWSHFT during integration. Shift rows very TTIME/NSUBINT.

    Type = integer

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    NSUBINT1 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Number of subintegrations from CCD1

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    NSUBINT2 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Number of subintegrations from CCD2

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    NSUBINT3 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Number of subintegrations from CCD3

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    NUMAMPS (native-keyword)

    Number of CCD amplifiers used during readout, set directly via AMPLIST

    Type = integer

    Unit = amplifiers

    NVIDINP (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Number of video inputs transmitted during readout. This was known as NUMAMPS before the advent of mosaic detectors, but the old concept is invalid. It cannot be set directly and must be set using AMPMOD and MOSMOD.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video inputs

    OBJECT (native-keyword)

    The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the object observed.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    OBSERVER (native-keyword)

    The value field shall contain a character string identifying who acquired the data associated with the header.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    OBSNUM (native-keyword)

    The observation sequence number

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    OBSTYPE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Intended as an instrument-specific way of indicating 'CCD image type' (ccdtype) for IRAF processing.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


  • flat
  • fringe
  • illum
  • object
  • zero

    OUTDIR (native-keyword)

    A character string containing the default directory into which new CCD images are to be written. If this disk is full the images may be written elsewhere. The list of fallback directories is hardcoded into lickserv/write_image.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    OUTFILE (native-keyword)

    A character string defining the root name of the file(s) into which newly acquired data will be written if LTODISK is true. The full path is constructed from OUTDIR, OUTFILE, LFRAMENO, and DFORM.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    OVRFLUSH (native-keyword)

    Number of overscan lines (rows) to flush prior to reading overscan lines (POSTLINE).

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PANE (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Defines window for readout. Values are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE1 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 1. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE2 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 2. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE3 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 3. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE4 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 4. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE5 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 5. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE6 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 6. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE7 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 7. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE8 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 8. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE9 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 9. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE10 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 10. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE11 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 11. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE12 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 12. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE13 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 13. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE14 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 14. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE15 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 15. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANE16 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Mosaic readout window 16. Elements are: STARTROW,STARTCOL,NUMROWS,NUMCOLS specified and reported as unbinned pixels in ideal detector coordinates.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    PANEFITS (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Indicates whether the readout of multiple panes of a mosaic detector will be written into one, some, or many different FITS HDUs.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    PANELIST (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Bitmask describing list of 16 PANEn keywords to be used when windowing the next mosaic readout. An entry of 0 terminates the active list. All bits 0 means the PANE keyword will be used; otherwise, bit 0 means PANE1, etc.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PANERROR (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Gives a list of active PANEs (from PANELIST) which were inconsistent at the time of the most recent EXPOSE command. They may be outside the mosaic, or outside the CCDs indicated by MOSMODE.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    PARANG (native-keyword)

    The angle between vertical and north as measured on the sky where the telescope is pointing.

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    PMT0MPOW (native-keyword)

    Photomultiplier tube #0 master power. Turns on the analog power to the ambient light sensor board when set to ON, turns it off when set to OFF. The ALS board must be turned on before power can be applied to the PMT via the PMT0TPOW keyword.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    PMT0OVL (native-keyword)

    Photomultiplier tube #0 ambient light overload signal. The power to the PMT must be turned on via PMT0TPOW and the ambient light sensor reset via PMT0ALSR.

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    PMT0TPOW (native-keyword)

    Photomultiplier tube #0 tube power. Turns on the power from the ambient light sensor board to the PMT counter when set to ON, turns it off when set to OFF. The ALS must be powered via the PMT0MPOW keyword first.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    POSTLINE (native-keyword)

    Number of (binned) overscan rows to read following overscan flush (OVRFLUSH).

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    POSTPIX (native-keyword)

    Number of (unbinned) overscan pixels per amplifier. It should be set to a value which is divided evenly by the serial-direction binning value.

    Type = integer

    Unit = ixels

    PRECOL (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Was PREPIX in legacy data

    Number of unbinned prescan pixels per amplifier as reported by the CCD controller.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PREFLUSH (native-keyword)

    Number of prescan lines (rows) to flush after reading any saved prescan lines (PRELINE).

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PRELINE (native-keyword)

    Number of (unbinned) prescan lines (rows) to read and save before any prescan flush (PREFLUSH).

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PREPIX (native-keyword, legacy only)

    This keyword becomes PRECOL in mosaic data

    Number of prescan columns (legacy data)

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PREROW (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Number of unbinned prescan rows which must be parallel shifted out of the CCD before actual image rows begin, as reported by the CCD controller.

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    PROP0STA (native-keyword)

    Propeller mirror #0 status

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    PWRBLOK (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Power to heater block in the dewar. The monitor will override external attempts to control the heater via this keyword, so its effectively read-only.

    Type = real

    Unit = Volts

    RA (native-keyword)

    Current right ascension measured in the coordinate frame specified by FRAME (FK4, FK5 or apparent) and at the epoch of mean equinox and equator specified by EQUINOX

    Type = string

    Unit = sexagesimal degree

    RCCVCLOS (native-keyword)

    Is the red collimator cover closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    RCCVOPEN (native-keyword)

    Is the red collimator cover open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    RELHUM (native-keyword)

    Relative humidity

    Type = real

    Unit = %

    ROTDEST (native-keyword)

    Rotator position target destination.

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    ROTMODE (native-keyword)

    Rotator control mode

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    ROTPOSN (native-keyword)

    Rotator discrete position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    ROWSHFT (native-keyword)

    Number of CCD pixel rows to shift 'up' every TTIME/NSUBINT

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    SHBLCLTM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Sum of time intervals when the shutter blade was closing during the most recently started exposure.

    Type = read

    Unit = seconds

    SHBLOPTM (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Sum of time intervals when the shutter blade was opening during the most recently started exposure.

    Type = real

    Unit = seconds

    SHCLOCNT (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The number of times the shutter has closed for the most recently started exposure. It will be 0 for dark frames and the number of PAUSEs plus 1 for other frames.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    SHLATCLO (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Sum of time intervals between commanded start of shutter closing and beginning of motion of shutter for the most recently started exposure.

    Type = real

    Unit = seconds

    SHLATOPN (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Sum of time intervals between commanded start of shutter opening and beginning of motion of shutter for the most recently started exposure.

    Type = real

    Unit = seconds

    SHOPNCNT (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The number of times the shutter has opened for the most recently started exposure. It will be 0 for dark frames and 1 plus the number of RESUMEs for other frames.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    SIMPLE (native-keyword)

    The value field shall contain a logical constant with the value T if the file conforms to this standard. This keyword is mandatory only for the primary header. A value of F signifies that the file does not conform in some significant way.

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    SLITCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the slit calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    SLITCON (native-keyword)

    Slit control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    SLITLEN (native-keyword)

    Slit length projected on sky

    Type = real

    Unit = arcsec

    SLITNAME (native-keyword)

    Slit name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    SLITRAW (native-keyword)

    Slit raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    SLITWID (native-keyword)

    Slit width

    Type = real

    Unit = mm

    ST (native-keyword)

    Local sidereal time

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    SYNOPSIS (native-keyword)

    A one-line synopsis of other keywords in the FITS header for the convenience of the observer and data reducer. If the KTL keyword is blank then write_image (the lickserv child) will use SYNOPFMT to create a value for the FITS file.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    SYNOPFMT (native-keyword)

    This keyword contains a macro substitution string which write_image (the lickserv child) may use to create the value of the SYNOPSIS keyword that it writes into a FITS image at the end of an exposure. The character '$' must begin and end each keyword.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TARGNAME (native-keyword)

    Target name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TELESCOP (native-keyword)

    A character string identifying the telescope used to acquire the data contained in the array

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TELFOCUS (native-keyword)

    Telescope focus

    Type = integer

    Unit = um

    TEMPCOOL (native-keyword)

    External coolant temperature

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPDET (native-keyword)

    Detector temperature (average).

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPDET1 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Detector #1 temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPDET2 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Detector #2 temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPDET3 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Detector #3 temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPIN (native-keyword)

    Inside temperature

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPIOD1 (native-keyword)

    Iodine cell temperature1

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPIOD2 (native-keyword)

    Iodine cell temperature2

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPLAMP (native-keyword)

    Lamp enclosure temperature

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPOUT (native-keyword)

    Outside temperature

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPSET (native-keyword)

    Detector temperature set point.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TEMPTV (native-keyword)

    TV enclosure temperature

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    TTIME (native-keyword)

    Target length of time for the exposure. The exposure terminates if TTIME is not greater than ELAPTIME, which provides a mechanism for ending observations early. This (and EXPOSURE, q.v.) should not be used as shutter open time.

    Type = integer

    Unit = seconds

    TVACAL (native-keyword)

    IS the TV aperture calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVACON (native-keyword)

    TV aperture control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVANAME (native-keyword)

    TV aperature name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TVARAW (native-keyword)

    TV aperture raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = counts

    TVF1CAL (native-keyword)

    Is the TV filter1 calibarted?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVF1CON (native-keyword)

    TV filter1 control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVF1NAME (native-keyword)

    TV filter1 name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TVF1POS (native-keyword)

    TV filter1 discrete position in of 8

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    TVF1RAW (native-keyword)

    TV filter1 raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = counts

    TVF2CAL (native-keyword)

    Is the TV filter2 calibarated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVF2CON (native-keyword)

    TV filter2 control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVF2NAME (native-keyword)

    TV filter2 name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TVF2POS (native-keyword)

    TV filter2 discrete position in of 8

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    TVF2RAW (native-keyword)

    TV filter2 raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = counts

    TVFCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the TV focus calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVFCON (native-keyword)

    TV focus control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    TVFNAME (native-keyword)

    TV focus name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    TVFOCUS (native-keyword)

    TV focus location

    Type = integer

    Unit =

    Type = string

    Unit = um

    TVFRAW (native-keyword)

    TV focus raw position

    Type = real

    Unit = counts

    TVON (native-keyword)

    TV controller power

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    UPSON (native-keyword)

    UPS power

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    UTC or UT (native-keyword)

    Coordinated universal time. Optical instruments typically obtain it at some time after the shutter opens.

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    UTC-END or UT-END (native-keyword)

    UT time of end of exposure

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    UTB15VEN (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Enable +/-15 volt analog power in the CCD controller.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    UTB30VEN (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Enable +30 volt analog power in the CCD controller.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    UTBM15V (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    -15 volt power supply voltage level.

    Type = real

    Unit = Volts

    UTBP15V (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    +15 volt power supply voltage level.

    Type = real

    Unit = Volts

    UTBP30V (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    +30 volt power supply voltage level.

    Type = real

    Unit = Volts

    UTBP5V (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    +5 volt power supply voltage level.

    Type = real

    Unit = Volts

    UTBTEMP (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Temperature of the CCD controller utility board.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    VIDINACT (native-keyword, mosaic only)


    VIDINBEG (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The unformatted equivalent of the KTL keyword ERAMODE created by watch_ccd. A bitmask indicating which of the amplifiers in the mosaic were erased at the beginning of the sub-exposure. Bit 0 corresponds to video input 1.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    VIDINEND (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    The unformatted equivalent of the KTL keyword MOSMODE created by watch_ccd. A bitmask indicating which of the amplifiers in the mosaic were shifted at the end of the sub-exposure. Bit 0 corresponds to video input 1. See AMPMODE for active amplifiers.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    VIDOFF1 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Same as VOFFSET0 for legacy data

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #1. This corresponds to amplifier #1.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VIDOFF2 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Same as VOFFSET1 for legacy data

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #2. This corresponds to amplifier #2.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VIDOFF3 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #3. This corresponds to amplifier #3.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VIDOFF4 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #4. This corresponds to amplifier #4.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VIDOFF5 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #5. This corresponds to amplifier #5.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VIDOFF6 (native-keyword, mosaic only)

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #6. This corresponds to amplifier #6.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VOFFSET0 (native-keyword, legacy only)

    Same as VIDOFF1 for mosaic data

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #1. This corresponds to amplifier #1.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    VOFFSET0 (native-keyword, legacy only)

    Same as VIDOFF2 for mosaic data

    Video offset for CCD controller analog board #2. This corresponds to amplifier #2.

    Type = integer

    Unit = video offset

    WINDOW (native-keyword, legacy only)

    Defines window for readout. Values are: WINMODE, STARTROW, STARTCOL, NUMROWS, NUMCOLS. Specified and reported as binned pixels.

    Type = string

    Unit = pixels

    XCOVCLOS (native-keyword)

    Is the cross disperser cover closed?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    XCOVOPEN (native-keyword)

    Is the cross disperser cover open?

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    XDANGL (native-keyword)

    The difference between the current angular position of the HIRES cross disperser and its 'on-blaze' position. Positive values put redder orders onto the detector.

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    XDCAL (native-keyword)

    Is the cross disperser calibrated?

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    XDCON (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser control

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    XDDELTAD (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser blaze

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    XDISPERS (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser's name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    XDNAME (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser name

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    XDPIX (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser pixel position

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixel row

    XDRAW (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser raw position

    Type = integer

    Unit = encoder counts

    XDSIGMAI (native-keyword)

    Cross disperser sigma

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    XFLIP (native-keyword)

    Camera X flip

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    YFLIP (native-keyword)

    Camera Y flip

    Type = string

    Unit = boolean

    HIRES Meta-Keywords

    ARCFOCUS (meta-keyword)

    FWHM measurement of a sample of ThAr lines centered on the image.

    Type = real

    Unit = pixels.

    ARCRES (meta-keyword)

    Spectral resolution corresponding to the ARCFOCUS value.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    CCDGN01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    CCD gain for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = electrons

    CCDRN01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    CCD read noise for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = electrons

    DATLEVEL (meta-keyword)

    Data reduction level.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a


    DISPSCAL (meta-keyword)

    CCD pixel scale, dispersion direction.

    Type = real

    Unit = arcsecs/pixel

    DQA_DATE (meta-keyword)

    Date of DQA run in the format YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS, all values in UT

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    DQA_VERS (meta-keyword)

    DQA version number in the format #-#.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    GUIDFWHM (meta-keyword)

    FWHM of HIRES guide star. This is not necessarily the same as 'seeing' as the HIRES guide star is usually the same as the target star and is thus being measured on the slit.

    Type = real

    Unit = pixels

    GUIDTIME (meta-keyword)

    UT of logged GUIDFWHM value.

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    IM01MD01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Median value for the imaging pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    IM01MN01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Mean value for the imaging pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    IM01SD01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Standard deviation value for the imaging pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    IMAGETYP (meta-keyword)

    KOA data file image type determined from the instrument configuration

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


  • bias_lamp_on
  • dark
  • dark_lamp_on
  • trace
  • focus
  • flatlamp
  • arclamp
  • object
  • undefined

    INSTSTAT (meta-keyword)

    KOA instrument status

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a


    KOAID (meta-keyword)

    KOA data file name.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    NPIXSAT (meta-keyword)

    Number of saturated pixels (65535 DN)

    Type = integer

    Unit = pixels

    OA (meta-keyword)

    WMKO observing assistant on duty the night of observation.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PROGID (meta-keyword)

    WMKO ID for observing program.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PROGINST (meta-keyword)

    Program institution

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a


    PROGPI (meta-keyword)

    Program principal investigator.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PROGTL1 (meta-keyword)

    WMKO program title (1/3) - First 78 characters of title.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PROGTL2 (meta-keyword)

    WMKO program title (2/3) - Second 78 characters of title.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PROGTL3 (meta-keyword)

    WMKO program title (3/3) - Third 78 characters of title.

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    PT01MD01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Median value for the post scan pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    PT01MN01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Mean value for the post scan pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    PT01SD01 (-06) (meta-keyword)

    Standard deviation value for the post scan pixels for extension 1 (through 6).

    Type = real

    Unit = DN

    ROQUAL (meta-keyword)

    Electronics readout quality (to check for 'glitched' files).

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    SEMESTER (meta-keyword)

    WMKO observing schedule semester in the format YYYY[A-B].

    Type = string

    Unit = n/a

    SIG2NOIS (meta-keyword)

    Signal-to-noise estimate near image spectral center. Note: Values prior to June 1, 2005 may not be accurate.

    Type = real

    Unit = n/a

    SKYPA (meta-keyword)

    HIRES slit sky position angle (deg), measured N through E.

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    SLITWIDT (meta-keyword)

    Slit width projected on sky.

    Type = real

    Unit = arcseconds

    SPATSCAL (meta-keyword)

    CCD pixel scale, spatial direction.

    Type = real

    Unit = arcseconds/pixel

    SPECRES (meta-keyword)

    Nominal spectral resolution as calculated from the instrument setup parameters.

    Type = integer

    Unit = n/a

    WAVEBLUE (meta-keyword)

    Approximate central wavelength of the bluest most order in the spectrum.

    Type = integer

    Unit = Å

    WAVECNTR (meta-keyword)

    Approximate central wavelength of the center most order in the spectrum.

    Type = integer

    Unit = Å

    WAVERED (meta-keyword)

    Approximate central wavelength of the reddest most order in the spectrum.

    Type = integer

    Unit = Å

    WXDOMHUM (meta-keyword)

    Inside dome humidity.

    Type = real

    Unit = %

    WXDOMTMP (meta-keyword)

    Inside dome temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    WXDWPT (meta-keyword)

    Dew point temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    WXOUTHUM (meta-keyword)

    Outside humidity.

    Type = real

    Unit = %

    WXOUTTMP (meta-keyword)

    Outside temperature.

    Type = real

    Unit = degC

    WXPRESS (meta-keyword)

    Atmospheric pressure.

    Type = real

    Unit = mb

    WXTIME (meta-keyword)

    UT of logged weather keyword values.

    Type = string

    Unit = time

    WXWNDIR (meta-keyword)

    Wind direction (N through E).

    Type = real

    Unit = degrees

    WXWNDSP (meta-keyword)

    Wind speed.

    Type = real

    Unit = mph