Follow these steps to reconfigure a grating if the graphical tool fails:

This document describes how to reconfigure a grating if the graphical tool and the script both fail.

A word on g#map parameters; the "coll angle" is really attached to the grating position, not the grating itself.  In truth there are two values, a large correction for the grating position, and a smaller correction for the specific grating, but these numbers  have not all been measured, and hence when in doubt you should  use the coll angle shown below for that position (not for that grating)! However, the point of having the graphical interface is to avoid having to know these details, and have the computer do all of the work for you. We will update various parameters as they become known to us.

Reconfiguring A Grating If The Graphical Tool And The Script Fail

  1. Type 's g#map' where # is the position number of the grating (i.e. s g5map to look at info about the grating in station 5) to determine grating information for the station in which the grating was installed.
  2. Type 'm g#map=resolution, angle, col angle, order, apix, blaze'(i.e.  m g5map=831.,44.2,8.93,1.,2.00,8200) to modify the grating information based on the information in the tables.
  3. If a grating is placed in a station where there is no entry in this table, then modify only the resolution and blaze numbers in g#map, keeping the other values the same. For instance, if the 900/5500 grating was put in station 4,  you would type 'm g4map=900.,44.2,8.06,1.,0.64,5500'.
Station 2  Station 3 Station 4 Station 5
g2map g3map g4map g5map
resolution (lines / mm) 300.0 600.0 1200.0 600.0
angle (degrees) 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2
col angle (degrees) 6.40 8.80 8.06 8.89
order 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
apix (angstroms / pixel) 2.55 1.28 0.64 1.28
blaze (angstroms) 5000.0 7500.0 7500.0 5000.0

Station 2  Station 3 Station 4 Station 5
g2map g3map g4map g5map
resolution (lines / mm) 831.0
angle (degrees) 44.2
col angle (degrees) 8.93
order 1.0
apix (angstroms / pixel) 2.0
blaze (angstroms) 8200.0

Reconfiguring The GRANAME Table To Reflect The Change

  1. Type 'configure graname' to see a list of the current gratings.
  2. Type 'configure -d graname grating name' to delete a grating from the list.
  3. Type 'configure graname grating name = position#', to add a grating to the list, where position# is the grating station where the new grating was installed.